For the intake i had some problems with heat, and thanks to advice by jdub240 i decided to make a cooler based on this design.
Make a well-insulated travel cooler
As you can see from the pic i cut out two holes in the cooler for intake into the tub and to mount the fan to push air through. I also used a water resistant foam sealer to seal all the walls and make sure it was airtight. If possible use a table saw or hot wire cutter, i used a utility knife, and it turned out looking like crap
oh well it works and keeps the temp inside the cooler at 32 degrees exactly
and it's dropped my initial temps by almost twenty degrees.
For the exhaust i had to make my own bracket to fit the computer fan into, and allow a pvc pipe to fit onto the other side for my carbon scrubber. This was achieved using cardboard and some gorilla duct tape(amazing product).
First we trace the size of the computer fan onto a piece of cardboard, after that it is important to decide on the size of the duct needed. Once the size is determined trace straight lines from each corner of the fan, there should be a pair of parallel lines on four sides of the fan. Now we cut this piece out. See Pics
After the lines have been cut for the fan, take the piece of pvc, abs or similar piping that will be used, and trace the shape into the middle where the computer fan was just at. Proceed to cut this piece out. Test fit the piping to make sure there is a snug fit, remember it is better to cut the hole too small rather than too big. You can always sand it to a bigger size.
Now we fold the sides of the cardboard into a square shape, and place the computer fan at the square end and duct tape the sides tight around the fan. Ta da completed DIY Duct work, it stays very well sealed, and is easy to make.