Rule of THUMB for watering seedlings


Well-Known Member
I've done lots of searching and have read lots of different things concerning when/how often to water seedlings. Some say to let the soil completely dry out while others say to wait til the top layer is dry.

My plants are 2 days old. They have small leaves. They are planted in 75% pro-mix, 25% perlite in 6 inch pots. I watered them as I was planting them on Saturday night. I did not water them so much that water was coming out of the bottom. I feel like I put a good amount of water in them though.

The top is completely dry. I can feel VERY slight dampness starting at about 2 inches deep. Should I water again or wait?

What is the RULE OF THUMB for when to water seedlings? I've also heard it's good to give the leaves a couple sprays of water more often than regular watering. Is this true?

I'll post pictures shortly.


Well-Known Member
Oh.. man, ok, I'm in the vast minority, but I've only had one strain that I couldn't get germed and fully popped/sprouted (some Papaya). If you click my sig line you'll be taken to my gallery. Go to the first page to see what I'm talking about.

I don't water my seedlings as most people do. I put all into a tray and put water in the tray. The seedlings stay with water, about 1/2" 24/7, until they're ready to put on their big girl panties (transplanted to bigger pots). That's how I've always done it and it's always worked great for me.

Icarus Haul

Active Member
What i've always done is water the seedlings every 6th day. Or at least until there about three weeks old then I switch to every three to four days.


Well-Known Member
maiden. u do that to. i use my clone dome tho. since your usin soil tho mayng...... like u said there dry about 2 inch's in.... thats when i water my big girls. so do that. just no nutes. just think as if they were outside.... if there some big plants around a small one there gettin the same amount of water. inside we use more nutes the justwats in the soil so as long as u don add nutes yet it don matter realy. but getting a dome and a tray. keepin realmoist. just like clones. theyl be fine. water um


Well-Known Member
I didn't use a clone or humidity dome for my starts, only just started using one for my.. clones. :D I agree about keeping them moist, because while the mature plant prefers to get dried out between waterings a bit, seedlings just don't, and once they've dried out they don't come back. Odd how it's just the opposite with the mature plants, overwater them and they don't (generally) come back, underwater a baby and it's the same thing.


Well-Known Member
So it's dry in the upper 2 inches... damp below... Should I water until some starts coming out of the bottom? Or less?


Well-Known Member
How do your seedlings look? If they're not wilted and are growing, then do what "feels" right. :)


Well-Known Member
They're small... you can see the picture above. Is it better to just dampen the dry soil, or to let it run through so that some stuff gets drained?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What is the RULE OF THUMB for when to water seedlings? I've also heard it's good to give the leaves a couple sprays of water more often than regular watering. Is this true?

I'll post pictures shortly.
Next time you might want to try starter plugs instead of going straight into a pot. I like using the starter plugs because you can pick up the plug and get a good idea of exactly how wet they are all the way down.

Also... you can see (when you pick them up) if the roots are starting to grow out the sides and/or bottom. I consider early root development a pretty good indicator of how the plant will grow (if cared for properly).

You can find Peat Pellet starters at Wal*Mart in the garden dept.

Anyway... that's what works for me. Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
I use 2 gallon pots. (are 3 better?) I would love to know just how much water and how often. Like your earlier question Justin I'm not sure whether to soak the soil until it drains or with just moisten it.


Well-Known Member
I water the hell outta seedlings, they love it, tons of runoff.And to answer your question, they also love to be sprayed with water, it helps root development, they love humidity. But like seamaiden said it's different once they mature.