Run New York Run


Well-Known Member
What i would really like to see is (and please let me know if there is one already) a church of Christian or Catholic religion go and try to put up a church in downtown baghdad or in iran, maybe pakistan or afghanistan. What would happen? Since america is still over there, would our culture already be instilled? Hmmmm? Would they allow them? WOuld they do like us and allow them to build next to their holiest place of prayer and worship?

I think they would behead all people within the church... thats my opinion though, it varies from person to person...
i think that is the lamest comeback ever.

we are talking about how we do things in america, not how they do things over there in camel fucker land.

try again, labradoodle.


Well-Known Member
broh, that made me laugh out loud! seriously, broh, really, that made me laugh...

Like i said in my original post, "please inform me if there is one" so i dont know why you being so pissy about it...

YOu learn something new everyday dude, we are all not as gifted as you are... sorry

i think that is the lamest comeback ever.

we are talking about how we do things in america, not how they do things over there in camel fucker land.

try again, labradoodle.


There are two types of idiots running America for over 100 years now. Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans pretend to be the government of the righteous, the conservatives and small government. The Democrats claim to represent "the people" and the minorities and big government. Both are treasonous to the American principles and the Constitution. Both cohort for a world government and for oppression and death and both use the fantastic military machine to do the job of controlling suppressing and killing throughout the world.

When the Imam in charge of the Cordoba mosque project in NY was ask why the mosque should be built there, he responded: Muslims died on those buildings and America has killed more people thru illegal wars of invasion and oppression than any other society in history. He was right and we should have listened but didn't.

When the reporter asked Bin Laden in his cave 16 years ago why he wants to attack America, he answered; The Arabia are the sacred land of Islam and it is a sin for westerners to set foot in it. We also should have listened but we didn't.

Let's go back in time a little more.
During the boom of the automobile and the beginning of new prosperity after WW2, the bleeding hearts and the sierra clubs of the world were fast at work petitioning and creating all kinds of organizations and lobbying groups with the single purpose of eliminating American prosperity created by the post war economic boom. And they succeeded in driving the energy business from our land. The scientists had to look for other places to drill under the false premise that there was no more oil in the northern continent. Nothing but a lie and a travesty. They found what the needed in the Arabian deserts. Some will say, well excellent. Except for one thing; if you're to ask the Muslim in the streets he would have said "go home Yankee. you are forbidden here and take your drills and take your petro-towers with you. But we didn't listen because we never asked that question. We were than dealing with the imperial oligarchy, not the common man. Their corrupt governments agreed just like the clip below says; "give us the money and the guns and help us stay in power and we will work with you"

Instead of using the good old american principle of business and ingenuity which it was, make a deal with them, lease part of the desert if you have to, compensate them handsomely for the newly found riches but keep the wealth and technology. Instead we gave them the riches, the wealth and the technology and became the idiots of the world with a total dependency on energy and "green" shit. The globalist, the "we are the world", the "cry like babies around a dead tree trunk" and "new world order" scumbags American traitors at work.

Its impossible and against all natural and moral principles to invade Mesopotamia, a ten thousand year old society, kill millions of its citizens and expect to have "democracy". We have been trying this for over 1,000 years since the crusades. It didn't work them, it doesn't work now and it will not work for another 1,000 years and more. Visit a chiropractor instead. Perhaps an adjustment on your necks will help you turn back and look at history as it really is.

My advice to you is separate yourselves from the horde of criminal socialists and globalists and those who wish a "world without borders". Their movement will go down eventually and you will be dragged along.

For the true Patriots here and there some I know, keep'm loaded and well oiled.

Now watch the movies, enlighten yourselves and come back, stick your heads in the sand and tell me how wrong I am.




Well-Known Member
So you are saying America and Americans have killed more people then the germans during the holocaust or the russians during ww2?

There are two types of idiots running America for over 100 years now. Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans pretend to be the government of the righteous, the conservatives and small government. The Democrats claim to represent "the people" and the minorities and big government. Both are treasonous to the American principles and the Constitution. Both cohort for a world government and for oppression and death and both use the fantastic military machine to do the job the job of controlling suppressing and killing throughout the world.

When the Imam in charge of the Cordoba mosque project in NY was ask why the mosque should be built there, he responded: Muslims died on those buildings and America has killed more people thru illegal wars of invasion and oppression than any other society in history. He was right and we should have listened but didn't.

When the reporter asked Bin Laden in his cave 16 years ago why he wants to attack America, he answered; The Arabia are the sacred land of Islam and it is a sin for westerners to set foot in it. We also should have listened but we didn't.

Let's go back in time a little more.
During the boom of the automobile and the beginning of new prosperity after WW2, the bleeding hearts and the sierra clubs of the world were fast at work petitioning and creating all kinds of organizations and lobbying groups with the single purpose of eliminating American prosperity created by the post war economic boom. And they succeeded in driving the energy business from our land. The scientists had to look for other places to drill under the false premise that there was no more oil in the northern continent. Nothing but a lie and a travesty. They found what the needed in the Arabian deserts. Some will say, well excellent. Except for one thing; if you're to ask the Muslim in the streets he would have said "go home Yankee. you are forbidden here and take your drills and take your petro-towers with you. But we didn't listen because we never asked that question. We were than dealing with the imperial oligarchy, not the common man. Their corrupt governments agreed just like the clip below says; "give us the money and the guns and help us stay in power and we will work with you"

Instead of using the good old american principle of business and ingenuity which it was, make a deal with them, lease part of the desert if you have to, compensate them handsomely for the newly found riches but keep the wealth and technology. Instead we gave them the riches, the wealth and the technology and became the idiots of the world with a total dependency on energy and "green" shit.
The globalist, the "we are the world", the "cry like babies around a dead tree trunk" and "new world order" scumbags American traitors at work.

Its impossible and against all natural and moral principles to invade Mesopotamia, a then thousand year old society, kill millions of its citizens and expect to have "democracy". We have been trying this for over 1,000 years since the crusades. It didn't work them, it doesn't work now and it will not work for another 1,000 years and more. Visit a chiropractor instead. Perhaps an adjustment on your necks will help you turn back and look at history as it really is.

My advice to you is separate yourselves from the horde of criminal socialists and globalists and those who wish a "world without borders". Their movement will go down eventually and you will be dragged along.

For the true Patriots here and there some I know, keep'm loaded and well oiled.

Now watch the movies, enlighten yourselves and come back, stick your heads in the sand and tell me how wrong I am.




Well-Known Member
freedom of religion my ass! im not for muslims or christians or buddhists or pagans or any other organized religion. america is full of haters but it is so ironic that we want to fight for freedom of religion but then we criticize these folks for building their mosque or the westboro baptist crazies for picketing funerals. Freedom of religion is a relative free is freedom of religion? this country is full of hypocrissy at every turn. i dont know and i dont have an opinion. i know it is my right to worship how i please and it doesnt matter what country im in. so what if a bunch of southern baptists wanted to erect a church in a primarily muslim country? we are america because the usa claims to support freedom of religion for all its citizens they can't re-nig on this mosque deal they cant stop the westboro baptist church they wont end satanic sacrifice and they sure as hell wont stop me loving my mother nature and smoking my ganja. peace love and pot yall


So you are saying America and Americans have killed more people then the germans during the holocaust or the russians during ww2?
I am not against America olyfter420. Far from it. I want America one day to be the Nation our Fore Fathers envisioned - that you have to research and study the principals behind the true american idea they envisioned. If you are going to limit your question to germans and russians you will receive a limited response. Perhaps we should see our both foreign and domestic policies as a whole. But to answer your question accurately bring your calculator and do math. Make sure you include WWI, Japan, the Pacific, Vietman, Laos, Cambodia, China and endoChina, Korea, Granada, Bosnia, Iraq I and II, Afghanistan... should I go on? And ask this question, Are we safer now?


Well-Known Member
I am not against America olyfter420. Far from it. I want America one day to be the Nation our Fore Fathers envisioned - that you have to research and study the principals behind the true american idea they envisioned. If you are going to limit your question to germans and russians you will receive a limited response. Perhaps we should see our both foreign and domestic policies as a whole. But to answer your question accurately bring your calculator and do math. Make sure you include WWI, Japan, the Pacific, Vietman, Laos, Cambodia, China and endoChina, Korea, Granada, Bosnia, Iraq I and II, Afghanistan... should I go on? And ask this question, Are we safer now?
In the words of Lowkey: I'm not anti-America; America is anti-me.


Does it look like we are better off now? Perhaps we are more prosperous right? More jobs and less debt, less Government regulations and less poverty, we get to keep our homes and kids chose which school they go to. We have plenty of energy now, right? and the people are more peaceful. Our borders are more secure and the banks and financial companies don't rip us off anymore. The federal reserve helps the system be stabilized and our President works hard for the people instead of playing golf and planning big celebrations for his birthday. Every child goes to school and know that they will have future instead of a fucking $26K debt each hanging around their necks... Yes, it is a Wonderful New World. All we need is the damned SOMA!!!


By the way, I don't claim to know everything but I do have the answers that can possibly turn this disaster around and give us some prosperity for the future. But than again, if my assertion of the status quo seem radical, you can just imagine the solutions, hehehe.


Well-Known Member
Does it look like we are better off now? Perhaps we are more prosperous right? More jobs and less debt, less Government regulations and less poverty, we get to keep our homes and kids chose which school they go to. We have plenty of energy now, right? and the people are more peaceful. Our borders are more secure and the banks and financial companies don't rip us off anymore. The federal reserve helps the system be stabilized and our President works hard for the people instead of playing golf and planning big celebrations for his birthday. Every child goes to school and know that they will have future instead of a fucking $26K debt each hanging around their necks... Yes, it is a Wonderful New World. All we need is the damned SOMA!!!

ahh brave new world a gramme in time saves nine a gramme is better than a damn good reference


Well-Known Member
I wish it was that way too... I know war is pointless and America being the world power it is, has to intervene if not we look selfish. I think what America is becoming is for helping others rather then its own citizens'!

I am not against America olyfter420. Far from it. I want America one day to be the Nation our Fore Fathers envisioned - that you have to research and study the principals behind the true american idea they envisioned. If you are going to limit your question to germans and russians you will receive a limited response. Perhaps we should see our both foreign and domestic policies as a whole. But to answer your question accurately bring your calculator and do math. Make sure you include WWI, Japan, the Pacific, Vietman, Laos, Cambodia, China and endoChina, Korea, Granada, Bosnia, Iraq I and II, Afghanistan... should I go on? And ask this question, Are we safer now?


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with SOMA? i hear he has good quality seeds!

Does it look like we are better off now? Perhaps we are more prosperous right? More jobs and less debt, less Government regulations and less poverty, we get to keep our homes and kids chose which school they go to. We have plenty of energy now, right? and the people are more peaceful. Our borders are more secure and the banks and financial companies don't rip us off anymore. The federal reserve helps the system be stabilized and our President works hard for the people instead of playing golf and planning big celebrations for his birthday. Every child goes to school and know that they will have future instead of a fucking $26K debt each hanging around their necks... Yes, it is a Wonderful New World. All we need is the damned SOMA!!!


Well-Known Member
I wish it was that way too... I know war is pointless and America being the world power it is, has to intervene if not we look selfish. I think what America is becoming is for helping others rather then its own citizens'!
Who do you suppose we've helped with wars?


Well-Known Member
read my post dude, it was an alliteration to aldous huxleys 1932 book brave new world in which an advanced soceity of test tube babies bred for specific purpose live in what is a supposed eutopia and soma is the drug that is sold by the government to the people to deal with their issues.....anger, sadness, grief, whatever is pressing them


Well-Known Member
Yea, i know, i was trying to make some people laugh and forget a bit about what has us heated! Soma seeds company, pretty stuff

LMAOOO!!! Hey oly, are you sure we're talking about the same thing? I didn't know SOMA had seeds, hehe. I have to ask Aldous Huxley about that. Oh yeah, the guy is dead., you win! :clap:


well hasnt america been apart of every major war? Not as the main man but as a middle man or hidden away by secrecy... please inform me if i am wrong?
No, you're right about that. America has always had the tendency to play a dual role on things. We have participated by proxy in so many entanglements specially throughout the Middle East and Asia. One minute we give the people money and social help and and than when something change we invade and kill them.
One of the most recent wars by proxy who eventually became a real war was Afghanistan. When Bin Laden was out on the front line fighting the Russians the Government thought he was a patriot and a militant. Which indeed he was. He wanted to get rid of the Russian invaders for the same damned reason he wanted American out of Saudi Arabia but than again the idiots (our idiots) running the show forgot to do their homework so we gave him guns and logistic support. You could give him half of America and it would not impress him. Muslims are driven by ideology not cash.

I think this dual role we play with the rest of the world stems from the lack of patriotism on both sides of the isle. It becomes a political play instead of a humanitarian effort to help somebody. The ORIGINAL Founders never really wanted America to have political parties. They equated political banding to mob rule and they were right.
The separation arouse from the difference in opinions on what to do with... drum roll... the Libyans, LOL that resulted in the Barbary War.

They despised mob rule and that is exactly one of the major factors holding us back when it comes to moving on with the real business of repairing this Nation. There is too much difference in ideology and you rarely find someone who is willing to work for America and not for an ideology.