Run out of hieght in grow room- PLEASE HELP?


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA i dident wanna say it cause i was tryinn to be nice but WTF are u talkin about those are plump buds. u got some SKINNY CRACKWHORES.u need to justgive up man ur retarded.


Well-Known Member
haha dont get butt hurt cuz they looked better then ur burnt up plants at 10 days flower hahah...i work for a cannabis club in santa cruz son so u need step down cuz u have no idea who ur talkin to lil rookie


Well-Known Member
i feel bad for the people at that cannnabis club.havin to deal with an old asshole like you must be rough. well back to the subject how a so called tenured grower can be such an asshole. cause after years an years of constant failure and still cant do good he takes his frustration to a fourm.ITS OKAY BUDDY.


Well-Known Member
i feel bad for the people at that cannnabis club.havin to deal with an old asshole like you must be rough. well back to the subject how a so called tenured grower can be such an asshole. cause after years an years of constant failure and still cant do good he takes his frustration to a fourm.ITS OKAY BUDDY.
what the hell? who said i was 24 u fool haha and i've been growing for a year and half just started working for a club 6months ago so COME CORRECT..and i never had plants that looked as bad as yours..i swear to god


Well-Known Member
i just figured u were old cause ur such a loser. now i know your young its even this what you do with your free time talk crap on the internet. damn thats pretty pathetic. so all this shit talk whats so wrong with my plants???? all u say is they suck. the reason u havent grown like this is simple because U SUCK. damn dude ur dumb just quit.


Well-Known Member
i just figured u were old cause ur such a loser. now i know your young its even this what you do with your free time talk crap on the internet. damn thats pretty pathetic. so all this shit talk whats so wrong with my plants???? all u say is they suck. the reason u havent grown like this is simple because U SUCK. damn dude ur dumb just quit.
dude no one was talking to u and u came into my conversation with somebody else is that what u do with ur free time? sidebust? anyone who knows how to grow can tell u have deficientcy's with ur plants they just look bad to me..HONEST they dont look as good as u think so step down rookie


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cruzer, your a champ!! will definatly try that.
Glad to help Lennyo

I am just wondering what this talk is about older people. Sounds like you guys think the older you get the less you know. I disagree with that. The older you are the more experiences you have. Now it depends on the individual but most people acquire knowledge from there experiences. I know I have. The trick is to take that knowledge and do something beneficial with it. Then it is referred to as wisdom. I remember when I was in my 20s young, dumb and full of come I thought I knew it all. I Guess you never do figure it out until you do get older.

My 2 cents.​


Well-Known Member
i agree with that im 24 and when im 30 ill know more then i know now..all my grow buddy's are older and some know more than me cuz they've been growing longer


Well-Known Member
that Dr. Green Genes says i he runs out of room he just snaps them over where they touch the ceiling but sounds like your gonna need 2-to3 feet


Well-Known Member
ur an idiot forsure..i just explained fool i told dude he has to move it somewhere else and he didnt listen so fuk em i hope his shit dies now or grows real slow with barely any buds
I cant move those plants, so obviously I needed to find another solution and all these nice people have given me great advice for the problem at hand.I cant believe that you would say that you hope my plants die, thats real bad karma and not nice man.


Well-Known Member
Wow! a lot of love in here, sup with all the bashing one another?
Enough is enough!

Anyhow, if uv got ur screen in place already, and satilll no room, well ull hv 2 do the best u can for that grow, however for future referance, u could try LSting the plant w/ some fishing weights 2 get ur girls to bend slowly so u dont snap em.
do ur research on SCROGs (screen of green).


Well-Known Member
dude no one was talking to u and u came into my conversation with somebody else is that what u do with ur free time? sidebust? anyone who knows how to grow can tell u have deficientcy's with ur plants they just look bad to me..HONEST they dont look as good as u think so step down rookie
DUDE YOU GOTTA BE JOKING. ur plants look like shit man u were talkin all hard and put up some stretched out crackwhore plants. im done talkin to you you are nothing nbut a HATER.........hate on hater.