Running out of room. Need advice.


Well-Known Member
I just went and smoked a bowl and was thinking, while i stand by what i said info wise, i was kind of rude about it. I didnt really notice it till i re-read the posts, but hey,1. ive slept only like 3 hrs over the last day and a half,2. my grandpa had a heart attack and passed away yesterday afternoon, so Im not really meaning to but I guess i took some of it out on you by being so rude, sorry, it was subconsious.
but yea u were a bit rude dark... really sorry to hear bout ur gramdpa dude.. lets just all drop it.. plus we are all guilty of thread jacking


Well-Known Member
they look awesome and looking at them and your area tying them down/away from the light and all will be well. its not too late to do a little lsting.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I just went and smoked a bowl and was thinking, while i stand by what i said info wise, i was kind of rude about it. I didnt really notice it till i re-read the posts, but hey,1. ive slept only like 3 hrs over the last day and a half,2. my grandpa had a heart attack and passed away yesterday afternoon, so Im not really meaning to but I guess i took some of it out on you by being so rude, sorry, it was subconsious.
man I love a good debate, even if we are arguing about the same thing. It is nice to come home after a hard day and bitch at someone :) No worries I just try to give people ALL the info i know of. Even if it seems irrelevant.


Active Member
they look awesome and looking at them and your area tying them down/away from the light and all will be well. its not too late to do a little lsting.
Would it be better to just move the MH light up a few inches as they grow? I really don't have any lateral room. Maybe I could tie them down after I get the males out.

BTW The lights went out for the first time last night at 11PM. Will turn them back on at 11 this morning. I still have to buy a timer this weekend.


Well-Known Member
blazed, dark, and jn owe podunk an apology immediately!, for highjacking his thread and acting like children besides-

there are threads DEDICATED too this argument and higher ranking members acting in this fashion is out of line, this guy has a pretty nice grow and is asking for help and you guy s bogged him
any way podunk those plants are looking pretty nice, what strain did you say again?
i think for your grow size you would benefit from topping those plants in what is commonly referred to uncle ben's method on this site, here's the link,
Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to get 2 or 4 MAIN colas

really for the amount of light you have you need a bigger area, allowing you too spread the plants out a little more, which in turn gives more light to the bottom of the plant and allows for various training methods (think 1 plant 4 feet tall and 4 feet across), one thing the other guys had right is when you flower these they are gonna get alot bigger!


Well-Known Member
how big is this bathroom? maybe you should just take the door off the shower and incorporate it into the room, line the room with panda film, set all those lights up and you'd have a nice room
you really are wasting some by having 12 in that shower, you'd be better off doing 2 in there with a screen, it's called SCROG or screen of green and produces great results in small areas