>>>Running with Guns: Pineapple Chunk : 1 Plant : Soil : Stealth Cabinet CFL Grow!<<<


Active Member
Evening good people of RIU!

As the tittle says, this is going to be a single plant stealth grow, although at the moment it's not very stealthy since the cabinet has not yet been finished, but that should be completed over the next couple of days over the weekend, or Monday at most (I will post detailed pics of the build)

The Grow space is a 3 drawer small office document filing cabinet, the measurements are 1 x 1 and it is 2 feet high, so that's a total of 1 sq foot and 2 cubic feet, pretty small but I have seen some good results from such small spaces.

With the space being so restricted, this grow will be confined to a single plant, and the star of the evening is none other than the controversial Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk. Keeping in mind that this strain tends to get taller than advertised, for this end I'm going to LST and SCroG this baby up the moment it grows to 5 or 6 inches.

The Medium: I'm using a potting soil designated for young plants / seedlings. Composed of Bog Peat, 10% perlite and other stuff. The soil doesn't have the required nutrients to sustain a plant for long, so for this end I have amended my soil with the following:
  • Added Cal-Mag: Since I do not have access to Epson salts, Dolomite lime etc, I have substituted by crushing some Calcium + Vit D tablets, along with Magnesium Aspertate supplements (over the counter supplements from the local pharmacy). Thanks to Perkele for the tip! (Make sure to check out his wonderful grow too!) :bigjoint:
  • Added some Powdered Egg Shells.
  • Added 500g of red earth (A clay heavy local soil in which the local olive trees thrive).
  • Added some home made Bone Meal: From oven baked chicken thigh bones (after making chicken stock)
  • Added some more Perlite (to improve water drainage) since the Clay and the Meal messed up the texture and retention of the soil mix.
Containers: Since I'm a bit restricted on space, I decided to keep the pot small, the final container will be a 3.5 Gallon Air Pot that has been modified to be low and wide.

Nutes and Ferts: Gonna keep it simple, using Advanced Hydroponics of Holland Dutch Master - Grow - Bloom - Micro. Also have a sample of Atami - Bloombastic that I intend to use instead of Bloom for the last two feedings.

Lighting: 4 x 23 Watt CFLs, for a total lumen output of 6400 Lumen. Cool daylight for Veg. Warm White for Flowering.

Format of this journal: I'm going to go day by day while keeping track of the number of days during the various stages of the grow.

So, Let's get growing!!!


Well-Known Member
What's controversial about Pineapple Chunk? I have it in my top 10 for consideration. 1)Purple Pineberry
2) Grapegod
3)Pineapple Chunk
4)Sugar Blackrose
5)Blue Rhino
6)Violator Kush
7)Red Dragon
8)Purple Urkel
9)Blackrose x Double Purple Doja
10)Sweet Deep Grapefruit. I prefer short bud cycle Indicas with color & a variation of taste.


Active Member
Hi again fellas, here is what happened so far:

Day 1 - Jan 26: Germinated Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk using the Paper Towel Method, took 48 hours for Tap root to emerge.

Day 3 - Jan 29: Transplanted Seedling into pre-soaked and PH'ed rock-wool cube. Temp:71F / 55% RH. Placed 2 inches under 23W CFL light on 20/4 hour regimen.

Days 4, 5, 6: Seedling growing Cotyledons and first set of true leaves relatively fast. Tap root broke through on the underside of rock-wool cube. The Rock-wool cube is placed in a plastic tray with an inch of perlite under it, where the tap root grew. Up till now I have been only feeding it with light sprinkles of PH'ed 5.8 RO water

Day 7 - Feb 2 (Today): Tap root is protruding more than an inch out below the rock-wool cube. Decided after being advised to transplant into an 18oz. small pot filled with my improvised soil. Gave a 100ml watering of PH 5.8 Water. 69F / 59% RH.

Well so far it has been growing rapidly and showing a lot of vigour. I think now that I transplanted things will slow down a bit until the seedling fills the new pot with root mass....let's see.

Alrighty, you can see the small seedling's stem slightly bent, I'm trying to correct this by making it turn to the light by positioning the light on the opposite side of the bend....let's see if this works...

So how does it look so far? Any comments? feedback will be greatly appreciated! :) :leaf:

On the last pic you can see the small cabinet I intend to grow in, tomorrow I will get some work done on it and post some pics of the work.


Active Member
What's controversial about Pineapple Chunk? I have it in my top 10 for consideration. 1)Purple Pineberry
2) Grapegod
3)Pineapple Chunk
4)Sugar Blackrose
5)Blue Rhino
6)Violator Kush
7)Red Dragon
8)Purple Urkel
9)Blackrose x Double Purple Doja
10)Sweet Deep Grapefruit. I prefer short bud cycle Indicas with color & a variation of taste.
Well from what I learned researching this strain through people that have grown it, it's that the actual outcomes differ a bit from the seed-bank's description of the strain. And people are having different results with it :) Still it's supposed to be killer smoke, have you tried it?


Well-Known Member
Subbed for this one. This strain crossed my mind a few times, but ran g13 labs' Pineapple Express instead.
Excited to see some results.

TriPurple, Red Dragon, amazing strain. Slow veg, but well worth it in the end. Never grown, or seen any others grown on that list.
If Blue Rhino is what I think it is, then I would LOVE to run that strain through and see its potential.


Active Member
Yeah i had the same dilemma as you, I was wondering between g13 PE and BF PC, ended up going the chunk road.....we'll see how it turns out :)


Well-Known Member
I see some talking about BF's inconsistencies....... no I haven't tried PC. My list changes every day. How about Dynamite (NG), Jilly Bean(TGA Subcool), Grapefruit Diesel (NG), or Crazy Train (TGA).
I have experience with Northern Lights, White Widow, Jack Herer, Super Kush, & Northern X Blueberry.


Active Member
I hear Crazy Train is Bomb!
And I'm thinking of growing a more classic strain for my next grow, some Jack'O or NL maybe.

But first lets see how this one goes :)


Well-Known Member
I see some talking about BF's inconsistencies....... no I haven't tried PC. My list changes every day. How about Dynamite (NG), Jilly Bean(TGA Subcool), Grapefruit Diesel (NG), or Crazy Train (TGA).
I have experience with Northern Lights, White Widow, Jack Herer, Super Kush, & Northern X Blueberry.
I run jillybean, smells amazing. everyone says it smokes great too. Friend Runs Qrazy Train. Great sleeper weed, holds you to that couch


Well-Known Member
Gr8 going Gunrunner :) ... one question thou... are you sure about the Clay Stuff....? ... I thought that stuff was really Not gooooood for ganja.....


Active Member
Gr8 going Gunrunner :) ... one question thou... are you sure about the Clay Stuff....? ... I thought that stuff was really Not gooooood for ganja.....

Well we will have to see abut that, might not be the best decision I have made :P
But over here, everything they plant in this stuff goes crazy, so I'm hoping it's gona be the case with le Ganj ;)

thanks for stopping by people ^^


Active Member
So guys, Today I got some work done on that silly cabinet.

You can see the cab in question in the following pic


Now this little thing had 3 shelves in it that I took down, and dismantled, gutted and cleaned it's insides from all mountings, bolts and sliding rails where the shelves used to stand. I only kept the front..........for a front :P


I took the shelve faces and I drilled holes into them, where I inserted some wooden pegs improvised from chop stick XD
Applied some carpenter's glue and secured it tight with some cordage, now I'm gona leave it overnight to dry.
This is going to be the cabinet door; Once the door is mounted I'm going to reattach the handles in their places (this is supposed to be the stealth factor ^^)

Tomorrow I will be getting some hinges and mounting the door in place, I will also be lining the inside entirely with Mylar.

Sunday, I hope I will have enough time to build my 4 lamp light array and drill all the holes for the cables and ventilation ;)

Thanks for watching ^^


Well-Known Member
My Pineapple Chunk has another month to flower, but it's already about 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall. But there are a lot of growers who grow small plants by starting the 12 hours on / 12 hours off light cycle from day one and they get small plants that flower very, very early. Basically, these growers skip veg'ing. Here's one thread that does it: The 12-12 From Seed Thread.

I grew one plant previously from Barney's Farm. It was a strain called "LSD". I think the smoke turned out very strong, even though that was my first successful grow and had some problems along the way. (It outgrew my cabinet, so got heat stressed from my lights.) Anyway, I was happy with the seeds that I got from Barney's. One hit of that LSD got me really high back before I developed a tolerance.

One thing I would recommend is putting a little fan inside your box, blowing on your plant. That will make it grow a nice, strong main stem, which will allow it to hold up more bud. Computer fans, the kind that are used inside of PC cases, are nice and quiet. I have 2 set up in my cabinet. My plant's main stem is thicker than my thumb at the bottom.

Good luck to you! This is an interesting setup you got, so I'm looking forward to following it.


Well-Known Member
Box looking good.
Ive thought about a box grow, for breeding or something. I dont really trust tents to be 100% sealed.

Keep it coming
Make them plants GROW!!!!


Active Member
Oh yeah that's coming, I'm only gonna give it a few more days of 20/4, until she feels nice and comfy after the transplant, once I see the second set of true leaves forming I'm hitting the switch to 12/12 ^^

This is gona have to be an LST heavy build, followed by a scrog once she is 5 inches tall, to make her fit into such a small space.

Im also getting the fans as recommended; one 120mm to exhaust and another 80mm to keep the air inside moving, it's on my list to do, also gona go get me a new drill with those circular saw edge caps watchamacallit for drilling large openings ^^

Daveroller, what a coincidence, we're growing the same plant ^^ Also another coincidence, my initial purchase from The Attitude a couple of months ago was 5 LSD seeds; the gave me the PC as a freebie, I also got Super Lemon Haze and L.A. Confidential too (Cannabis Cup Winners Promotion) I decided to try with the PC first and get her "out of the way" so to speak before trying my hand with LSD (My reason for buying it was like you said; one hit wonder)

Vilify: Yeah I don't really trust tents either......I once tripped into one (Previous failed grow, long story:P).....look to fragile for my taste ^^

Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned folks :)


Active Member
So i got a bit more work done today, not as much as I liked (had pesky house guests all day long :spew:)

Did some hacking on the airpot, this is gonna be it:

The pot is going to hold 8 liters, plus the 0.5 liters from the current 18oz. pot. so the total is going to be 8.5 liters, that's 2.24 US gallons, roots will have to grow laterally since the width of the both is like twice it's height.

Couldn't get any hinges in today, so I slapped some maylar on the door (Hope I find an open hardware store tomorrow, it's Sunday, fingers crossed)

Stay tuned for more ^^


Active Member
Feb 4 - Day 9 - Seedling Phase:

Just thought I'd also throw in a couple of growth pics, nothing new going on on the top, I bet all the action is happening downstairs ;)

Watered with 100ml PH 5.8 Water, Temp stable at 69F, 58% RH.


Added a paper clip to hold the seedling back straighter ^^

Go baby, GROW! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
interesting little grow GunRunner ... I'm trying pinapple chunk for the first time too. Does seem to grow well so far .. be interesting to watch both mine and yours grow ..

happy growin