it’s all about branding now.
I cannot really find any legit runtz packs in la only the white runtz from cookies brand. I went in to dr green thumbs today in east la thinking they might have it, but nope, maybe with all the strict laws official runtz packs Aren’t regulated or tested so they can’t sell it .
I don’t see myself spending 75$ an eighth like it’s 2003 all over again
but either way I did have a pack of what I thought Looked like runtz, but after watching YouTube vids I think it was fake . It was a while back but I still have the package ... was supper dank and as far as I know or thought it was wasbomb og that tasted fruity ..., I mean supper flight
I tend to buy based off Brand now too, , there are great brands out that charge way less than cookies and have way better numbers in the thc department. So I’d just imagine runtz crew puts out dank product with supper cool packaging and boom!
everyone thinks just cause they get runtz and grow it it’ll be that fire. I mean its possible. But like they just giving cuts out...