Rural America.

Deflecting, its what he does to avoid his racist views.
story please
Has any one heard any thing about mexico?
Yet another nasty quake, this time in Mexico City. Low 7s on the Richter scale. Many buildings turned to rubble, casualties unknown but expected to be numerous.

It happened 20 years to the very day after the last big quake there- and in fact just hours after a city wide earthquake drill.

One of the biggest problems with quakes there is the relatively low quality of building construction. Because of the enormous income and wealth gaps in the country, I don't see that changing much going forward.
Its easier to control a non traveling population. They tend to believe that they live in the "Greatest country on earth", They really do believe that "Everybody wants to be like them" they really do think that their wage is fantastic compared to some other country. Its easy to hate other racers and cultures if you haven't lived with them. Its hard to agree to waging wars in countries that you like and have been to and against people who have been kind to you. Its much easier against strangers in lands that you could not point out on a map.

I live in a rural area but in Australia. Traveling to other parts of the country and the world is the norm. Its extremely rare to meet someone who hasn't been somewhere else. Maybe its our geographic isolation that encourages us to travel or being part of the Commonwealth? I do know that our standard of living helps us to travel.
Its easier to control a non traveling population. They tend to believe that they live in the "Greatest country on earth", They really do believe that "Everybody wants to be like them" they really do think that their wage is fantastic compared to some other country. Its easy to hate other racers and cultures if you haven't lived with them. Its hard to agree to waging wars in countries that you like and have been to and against people who have been kind to you. Its much easier against strangers in lands that you could not point out on a map.

I live in a rural area but in Australia. Traveling to other parts of the country and the world is the norm. Its extremely rare to meet someone who hasn't been somewhere else. Maybe its our geographic isolation that encourages us to travel or being part of the Commonwealth? I do know that our standard of living helps us to travel.
More Americans used to be well travelled than are now, thanks to increasing income inequality.
I've found the same unmotivated personalities in the city. There are plenty of educated people in rural states, they choose to live close to family or join in the family business which most likely farming.

Unless you are talking about West Virginia.

What does West Virginia do again?
Probably. Don't be such a racist fuck and you won't get stabbed in the face.
I dont do racism. Infact racism of any form is vile... like you.
My children are mixed race.

Your thread title was POOR OPPRESSED WHITE PEOPLE. I thought ok i'll have a little looksy, i dont really like white people especially privileged, know it all ignorant fucks.
You was the ignorant white man on that thread.
I gave you an example and a little bit of pee trickled down your leg, or something? Because you became incoherent.

You know that racism of any kind of description, is toxic.
Are you that out of touch, that you are unable to see what is happening in every country?

Dont perpetuate this shit.