Rural America.

@abandonconflict I know you hate people because of the colour of their skin, what I wonder is what you, and your race-hating buddies, do with women that only date Caucasians?

Do you pour battery acid on them while they sleep?

Do you prefer to slash their face with a box cutter?

Cheaper right?

I'm just trying to understand a bigot.

Its easier to control a non traveling population. They tend to believe that they live in the "Greatest country on earth", They really do believe that "Everybody wants to be like them" they really do think that their wage is fantastic compared to some other country. Its easy to hate other racers and cultures if you haven't lived with them. Its hard to agree to waging wars in countries that you like and have been to and against people who have been kind to you. Its much easier against strangers in lands that you could not point out on a map.

I live in a rural area but in Australia. Traveling to other parts of the country and the world is the norm. Its extremely rare to meet someone who hasn't been somewhere else. Maybe its our geographic isolation that encourages us to travel or being part of the Commonwealth? I do know that our standard of living helps us to travel.

None of the people I have met in the woods out here feel remotely like you described above. They have no illusions about their situation. If anything they are realists. They just try to make the best of what they can for their children.
Doesn't mean you're not a bigoted gringo. I mean clearly you think you have been oppressed. As if a honky ass cracker experiences racism. Poor oppressed white guy...
Not using it as proof.
I dont need proof because..... IT WAS YOU THAT WAS DISPLAYING RACISM!
I just told you as a fyi, to compound your dumbness.
I think people are satisfied with rural life because it takes less effort. It's harder to be able to socially engage with different types of people if you've been raised to think and believe those that are different are somehow bad people. You can dismiss them and everything they believe as simply coming from somewhere different. Thinking about and considering other perspectives is tough and takes work and challenges your preconceived ideas about the world and the people that populate it. Meanwhile, everyone around you is discouraging it.
All that makes sense but personal growth is an innate dynamic. Only the adaptive or adapted flourish. A sense of stagnation and displacement is something felt by every human. Chronic denial festers into toxic hate and insecurity and an absence of inquiry, critical thought, and personal development. It's gotta be an unpleasant existence.
I've found the same unmotivated personalities in the city. There are plenty of educated people in rural states, they choose to live close to family or join in the family business which most likely farming.

Unless you are talking about West Virginia.

What does West Virginia do again?
They used to mine coal. Now the land is wrecked and there's nothing left for them.
@abandonconflict I know you hate people because of the colour of their skin, what I wonder is what you, and your race-hating buddies, do with women that only date Caucasians?

Do you pour battery acid on them while they sleep?

Do you prefer to slash their face with a box cutter?

Cheaper right?

I'm just trying to understand a bigot.

Before trying to "understand a bigot" work on essentials of logic and the concept of critical thinking.
I told her, "I know, how else do you end up with a rancid little cracker like enigma as a kid"

Wow, you managed to get abandon's cock out of your mouth long enough to crack a joke and that's the best you could do?

For shame, don't forget, spitters are quiters.

Before trying to "understand a bigot" work on essentials of logic and the concept of critical thinking.

Dang, abandon called his bicthes and they came running as fast as they could but they wear their pants under their ass to signal to other men that they love the cock so they tripped a couple of times.

All that makes sense but personal growth is an innate dynamic. Only the adaptive or adapted flourish. A sense of stagnation and displacement is something felt by every human. Chronic denial festers into toxic hate and insecurity and an absence of inquiry, critical thought, and personal development. It's gotta be an unpleasant existence.
Absolutely. I agree
I don't know you other than the witless turds you dropped on this page. With that in mind I'd guess you got stabbed because someone had a hot reaction to your repulsive assholery.

God damn.

I've never seen a person attempt to make themselves look grandiose with such poor grammar and punctuation.