Rust colored dust on dried buds??


Well-Known Member
I recently aquired about 3lbs of some outdoor grown stuff. There appears to be 2 different kinds here... maybe even 3 idk Ill have to wait until its trimmed to be able to tell for sure. The thing is some of the buds, one of which I already bagged up seperately and quarantined (in the garbage can) was particularly bad. Now, someone brought this to me and I didn't pay for it so if its garbage its garbage and no big deal. I haven't even smoked it because Im pretty picky about what I put into my lungs and I wouldn't give anyone something I wouldn't smoke myself. Some of it that I have already trimmed seems ok, but still not what Id smoke. Smells good though. Im just worried this red dust on it may be some kind of fungus or mold. Trying to salvage a little bit of it at least. I have about a zip trimmed and jarred that looks like what Id consider lower grade mids.
Now, this may be complete coincidence... but...the thing that really has be worried is that since I brought it into my house I have had really bad asthma. At least thats what the symptoms seem like. Im not certain as Ive mecwr had asthma lol. For the first few days I kind of attributed it to some other outdoor stuff I smoked that looked/smelled really good but wasn't fully dried yet... close but still needed a few days.

If anyone knows what this is or has seen it Id like to hear about what you think.



Well-Known Member
What does the inside of the buds look like? Looks a bit off to me.. almost like bud rot.. can't tell for sure tho..

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like it got to much light sometime in the dry/cure somehow. Kinda hard to see if it's a mycelium on the infected area. Not enough detail when blown up.

Keep in mind it was grown outside and has plenty of other pollen's on it!


Well-Known Member
I recently aquired about 3lbs of some outdoor grown stuff. There appears to be 2 different kinds here... maybe even 3 idk Ill have to wait until its trimmed to be able to tell for sure. The thing is some of the buds, one of which I already bagged up seperately and quarantined (in the garbage can) was particularly bad. Now, someone brought this to me and I didn't pay for it so if its garbage its garbage and no big deal. I haven't even smoked it because Im pretty picky about what I put into my lungs and I wouldn't give anyone something I wouldn't smoke myself. Some of it that I have already trimmed seems ok, but still not what Id smoke. Smells good though. Im just worried this red dust on it may be some kind of fungus or mold. Trying to salvage a little bit of it at least. I have about a zip trimmed and jarred that looks like what Id consider lower grade mids.
Now, this may be complete coincidence... but...the thing that really has be worried is that since I brought it into my house I have had really bad asthma. At least thats what the symptoms seem like. Im not certain as Ive mecwr had asthma lol. For the first few days I kind of attributed it to some other outdoor stuff I smoked that looked/smelled really good but wasn't fully dried yet... close but still needed a few days.

If anyone knows what this is or has seen it Id like to hear about what you think.
if the suspect parts are crumbly at all it's mold
if not it's just a cure-job in the sun
my guess is mold though...
bottom line is crumbly always means mold


Well-Known Member
There have been some of the buds that have been super cumbly and those I knew 100% had mold and tossed them. Some had the red, some didn't so I can't be sure if its correlated.
The inside lf that one looks fine. I took a picture below with the whole top cut right off. Also a picture with me spreading it out a bit to see some of the inside, none of which feels crumbly on this particular bud. I also tapped the affected bud onto a white piece of paper and the "dust" fell right off as you can see. It also leaves a residue on my hands. Very reminiscent of pollen but an odd color.
Im leaning towards just getting it the fuck out of my house. Im not going to smoke it anyways and I have no shortage of good buds, more curious than anything.



Well-Known Member
Mold and or worms can cause that look if they crawl all over bud ......either way I'd just sell it to @DavidKratos92 as some fire and be done with it other words don't risk your health but I'd ditch it ........sorry man


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Its all good, like I said, I didn't pay for it. My brother just brought it out to me and I thought it was a pile of shit from the moment I saw it but I didn't wanna be a dick lol. I got about an oz out of it that I trimmed up and looks to be decent and unaffected. It also appears to be a different strain so maybe it was just that plant that was affected. Its all jarred up right now so ill give it another once over to be sure and get rid of it for cheap.


Well-Known Member
You think it would be ok to make hash with? I was thinking about that but i thought it might be a little iffy.