rust on leaves


Im fairly new, three grows. Im one week in bloom and overnight my plants are drooping a bit and several have what looks like rust in the veins and leaves. any help please.


Well it could be allot of things, like an excesses in fertiliser or too little or maybe even too much watter. Some pics would help and information on the grow is the only way anyone can make an assessment.
Actually, in all reality it could be rust. Rust has been known to affect some plants (peas, beans, etc). Rust tends to be more prominent in cool, damp weather because it is just a fungus. It will stunt growth on the plants making them pretty useless so I hope it isn't really what you have. I would love to see photos of yours to compare to others.


Active Member
yes it could be alot of things but 1 in particular comes to my mind is a cal/mag problem like what happend to me or acidic soil locking out nutrients pics would help alot but if you look through my floering link below at pics you can compare if its the same not sure what page close to the beginning


Thank you. Im kinda an old schooler and dont yet know how to get pic on,i will try to figure it out today. I am well ventilated with two thousand and two 600 wat lights. I am using fox farm soil and fox farm nutes. I have had two crops with great sucess. I am in three gal pots. this has been my only prob,no mites, scale,etc. so far. the only thing I changed is the amount of nutes. i was feeding them about half of what the bottles say and I averaged three to four ounces per plant. someone told me that if i fed the full amount I would get a bigger yeald. I think that might be my problem. I flushed last night, but I dont see a change yet. Ya think my friend is an idiot, if so that makes me one to. thanks for any help and please excuse my spelling.


If its rust can I fix it? Please I can. also if you guys could help me learn to add pics that would also be a great help.


Active Member
how do I get to your pics?

its a pain adding pics i had to make a photo bucket account and add them there first then copy the link maybe theres a easier way lol...
and for my pics there are 2 links at the bottom of this box
1st is molasses/seaweed then my first grow under that click and will bring you to the thread


Well-Known Member
dude dont listen to them bro post some pics before you start throwing cal mag in your soil bro there is no way to dignose a problem without a pic.


Active Member
and if i were you i would look for some liquid seaweed fertilizer thats all i use and had no problems since
and also did you check the ph of your soil?


Well-Known Member
hey ill tell you how to add pic when your starting a thred twords the bottem it will say manage attachments click that then go to the pic and click upload


Well-Known Member
ok so i just now clicked go advanced on the reply menu. it under additional options under attachments click thatplant leaf problem solver.JPG see i just added a pic relly easy buddy


Well-Known Member
you didnt lose them they are on the first page if you look at the last post on the page under that it will say page 2 of 2 click on the nuber 1 and it will bring you to the first page


Well-Known Member
im willing to help you out but i will need the pics send me a pm privet message and let me know when u get them uploaded you will figure it out man just take your time bro :)


Active Member
page 9 and 17 was the best pics i found, i had rust like your saying it was caused by my soil being to acidic i neutralized the ph with dolomite lime and the plant just kept growing the leaves that were rusty all slowly died off but the plant was very potent lol
but would be good for pics dont add anything until your sure and when you add one thing wait dont add a bunch of stuff, do the elimination process slow and steady..


Active Member

this is how i figured out my problem which was my ph being too acidic scroll down about 3/4 you will see the ph troubles area but there are a few problems there that looks like rust like boron, magnesium, calcium but acidic soil will lockout nutrients as well!! keep us posted in what you figure out dont jump the gun though adding the wrong thing can kill your babies!! you will need a ph kit to figure that out