Rust spots


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure hoping someone else will chime in on that. I've had thrips that leave those almost silver types of blotches. But a thorough examination of the leaves you may find them. Bump
It's hard to tell since I'm on my phone but it does look a lot like thrip damage. I also see something that looks like an egg sac on the underside shot.

Do you have a magnifying glass? Take a look in some of the "crotches" of the stalks, I found they hide out around there often, and in the growing tips where the leaves cluster together. The younger ones are hard to see but eventually you'll notice the adults. Luckily they are fairly easily treatable.

Take a look at those little spots I circled.


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Well-Known Member
One thing that will kill them is Spinosad. I've had success with Monterey. That being said I've heard recently that Spinosad may not be as safe as previously thought. But in veg I would probably still use it.


Well-Known Member
Ive used safer brands 3in1 with success aswell, its pretty inexpensive and comes ready to use. It did however burn a plant once but i did drench it. What ever you use make sure to follow the instructions on the label, most recomend you spray right before lights out to prevent burn


Thanks guys, i just went to my local garden supply store and got some that works for tomato plants, guess thats ok for cannabis aswell.

I'll order some Dr. Zymes in the future i think.


Thanks guys, i just went to my local garden supply store and got some that works for tomato plants, guess thats ok for cannabis aswell.

I'll order some Dr. Zymes in the future i think.
The active ingridient is pyretrine, is that good shit or just shit?