Rusting leaves... pics


Well-Known Member
the mother (she's 15 days into flowering) has started showing discoloration although its clone (20 days into flowering) on the same diet is doing really well????

im sure its some nute problem but what???

the first 2 pics r the mother plant with the problem.... the last pic is its clone flowering really well....



Well-Known Member
Slight nutrient burn on the tips and some radiant heat damage I think. I say nutrient burn because of the leaf tips and edges. The Burn in the middle of the plant looks like heat damage.


Well-Known Member
yep the temp is high 30c at noon sun... and it will only gt hotter...

was planing on puting a green house cloth on topwhen the temp gts 40-45c..... is it to hot already???

but i gt 3 more out there an they all seem to b doing ok???

any ideas on how i can reduce the heat??


Well-Known Member
The cloth might do it. Some plants are just more sensitive than others. If it doesn't get worse it might be ok. Fans bowing over them for air movement might help with heat, even outside.... or a swamp cooler...??? LOL Im sure it will come around like the others.


Well-Known Member
Let me know how that works. Ive also seen greenhouse cloth and such. But that wont really take care of the heat.


Well-Known Member
yep the cloth idea wasnt all that good

and with the cooler i can control humidity which was another concern


Well-Known Member
its been a month since i put my plants to flower....
most of the whit pistols that u could see in the older pic have turned half brown.... i mean they r brown half way down.... is that normal or is it a heat problem??