RyaNayR's Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
they look verry leggy, lower the light.
and add more soil to the pots to stop them been so leggy.
also get some perlite added to the soil..


Well-Known Member
well, i can't lower the lights because of the big one, but i can raise the smaller ones up. and i'll get some perlite soon too.

no fans, i need one though. that's why i had the lights up higher. still waiting on a friend to bring me his. the lights are two 26w cfl's which i think run a little hotter than regular cfls. I think i'm gonna go buy more cfls though. just don't know what i'm going to do for flowering, since i can't afford a damn HPS. maybe i can just add incandescesnts or something to the cfls. i might even build my own reflector setup and put like 6 cfls in it and something for orange light.

but yeah, the closest thing to good ventilation i have right now is leaving the door open and the celing fan on outside the closet. and the window open to bring in cool fresh air.


New Member
well, i can't lower the lights because of the big one, but i can raise the smaller ones up. and i'll get some perlite soon too.

no fans, i need one though. that's why i had the lights up higher. still waiting on a friend to bring me his. the lights are two 26w cfl's which i think run a little hotter than regular cfls. I think i'm gonna go buy more cfls though. just don't know what i'm going to do for flowering, since i can't afford a damn HPS. maybe i can just add incandescesnts or something to the cfls. i might even build my own reflector setup and put like 6 cfls in it and something for orange light.

but yeah, the closest thing to good ventilation i have right now is leaving the door open and the celing fan on outside the closet. and the window open to bring in cool fresh air.
hi ryan, incandescents wont do anything for your grow mate. if you cant afford an hps go for the reddish cfl's for flowering and plenty of them or you wont get much bud. the more light the better.



Well-Known Member
Here's a pic from yesterday, they are showing signs of a little overwatering, so i'm watching that closely and keeping them drier.


New Member
hi ryan, they are looking fine to me, maybe abit long in the stem through stretching but as crazy-mental said you should add more soil, you will probably have to transplant in to bigger pots first. get the plants as far down as you can so when you put the soil in its going to be just an inch or so from the first set of leaves. doing this will not only stop them bending and breaking, it will keep them short and give the stem time to thicken.
hope this makes sence.



Well-Known Member
makes perfect sense, i was planning on doing that when i repot which will be tomorrow.

thanks for the advice hustla.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by. here's some pics from today. the rhino and the big one are growing nicely, and all but one seedling has popped up. My White Rhino stretched like crazy though, but I think it was from when i was gone the first two days and it wasn't right under the lights.

The rhino is 5 days old today, and the other seedlings are 2-3 days old.

If your biggest one there is 34 days old Id say its in need of something. Probably more light. Use Blue CFLs 6500k for veg at around 5 to 6" away from the plant with a fan blowing directly across the bulbs and plants. Use of a reflector will help focus more of the light towards the plants. You will need about triple the amount of light to bud them as you used to veg and you will want to change to the red spectrum CFL. Adding some perlite to your soil (about 1/3 of the soil mix) it will help control your over watering problem. Misting a few times a day doesn't hurt either. White board is cheap and works as a good reflector on walls and under the plants as well. If Given the proper stuff you can have them big enough to start the flowering cycle in 30-40 days.


Well-Known Member
It's day 17, and they've been a bit stunted the past week, but one is still growing good and looking pretty healthy. the big one grew two inches higher and two sets of big fan leaves, the top is looking really healthy and green now. I'm going to top it at the next node so it branches out.

i'll get some pics up shortly.


Well-Known Member
Here's the pics, first one is of the big one and all the new sprouts. second and third are my best sprout. it's not doing too bad, the little yellow it had stopped progressing, and it's grown quite a bit in the last couple days.

I ended up having to take the big one out and put it under it's own light, since it grew so tall. not sure why it did that, but it also shot out some huge leaves, so i'm happy with it.

I think i've finally got the hang of watering them, so hopefully i'll end up with some nice big plants to flower off in a month or two.



Well-Known Member
The big seedling grew a lot overnight. i'm really glad it's doing so well, it's a nice change from what i've been seeing the last month and a half.

As you can see, the new leaves are now as big as the first set of leaves, and still growing. it's looking really nice so far.



New Member
looking good ryan, it looks abit burnt on the leaf tips tho, it shouldnt effect it too much but just keep your eye on it.



Well-Known Member
Thanks hustla. yeah i noticed that and thought the same. i think it's nute burn, but it's not that bad, and doesn't seem to be getting worse. so i'll keep an eye on it, but i'm not going to stress over it.

it's probably a good sign actually, it means the plant is taking up nutrients and stuff, which is definately a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Here's an update finally, and some long overdue pics.

it's day 35 for the new batch, the nice and healthy one is still looking great and has grown a LOT. it's now about 6" tall and 7" wide and one of the smaller ones that i figured wouldn't do much growing, has actually grown to near the size of the bigger one, about 5" by 6".

The really big one from the first attempt is much larger now, although a lot of that is just height, but it's still doing great. and i've topped it so it branches out, which i should have done earlier but it's not a big deal. it's about 15" tall and 10" wide. and if i did my math right, i think it's about 68 days old now.

The biggest one is now in 12/12 and on it's 8th day of flowering. oddly enough, it actually smells less since going into flowering, but i'm sure that will change soon enough.

no signs of sex yet, but i don't expect to see anything till week 2 at least.

I'm going to be putting the rest into 12/12 tonight. i'm afraid they may not be big enough but it'll have to do, as i need to harvest them by about 8-10 weeks from now.

i'm very satisfied with 3 big and healthy plants, and hopefully i get a female out of one of them. i would like some bud to smoke, but if not then at least i got the experience. plus anything these yield is pretty much free bud so i won't be complaining even if i don't get much.

all in all, everything's looking good so far, and i'm really looking forward to seeing what i get as far as gender goes, so we'll see in a couple weeks.



Well-Known Member
Well I'm pleased to report that I now have a confirmed female.

I was beginning to think these plants would never flower, but here it is finally. and the first to show was even a female.

pics below, this is the smaller of the 3 plants in the last few pics i posted, which is actually the one i suspected was female since about that time. i also have a feeling now that the big bushy one is probably male, not sure about the tall one. the rest are kinda fucked i think, but they may give a gram or so combined. there's 6 of them, about 4-5 inches tall each and haven't grown much at all but they seem to be picking up.

Needless to say, i'm pretty happy right now. and with that, i'm off to smoke a celebration J.:joint:

