S.o.g advice!!

hi all, im currently doing a 3 planter under a 400w hps lamp but the bottom buds get shaded by the higher leaves and the s.o.g concept really appeals to me. i plan on buying a 1.2x1.2x2.0m grow tent, what is the smallests pots i could use and the maximum amount of plants i could get in ?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
SOG is all about small pots and lots of plants. The combination depends on what will work best for you. It could be anywhere from 24-50 plants depending on how tall you are going to veg them before flowering.
well if i put em into 6" pots was only intending on a few days veg max would that work n how many could i put under a 400w hps? gonna be usin a mainly indica strain such as blue cheese


Well-Known Member
in a sea of green, a 400w will cover about 64 plants if you pack em in tight. The goal is to grow one single cola off of each one. feel free to prune to do so. The only problem with a SOG is plant count. If you are busted, every plant counts against you. My state has a statute that states any grows exceeding 25 plants are evidence of intent to distribute and a 2nd degree felony is tacked on and a maximum jail term of 15 years added to your sentence. I suggest you take this into consideration when planning your grows. You could do a year in local jail or 15 in state, take your pick. Some states have mandatory sentencing guidelines that will screw you to the wall.

If you are going to grow, you need to know the laws of your state. Here is a link to NORML's guide to state laws. http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4516

consider a scrog grow. You can fill the same 4' x 4' grow area with just 2-4 healthy plants and grow a shit load of colas. It takes a couple of weeks longer, but your harvest and legal liabilities will thank you.
im based in uk and there was a guy busted with 26 plants valued at 13k jus dwn road from me, when question he told police he was growing cos he was sick of buyin shit bud in shit deals, he got a 120hrs community service and a fine, in the uk unless u got a huuuuuuuuge crop u jus get tickled on the arse n told to be gd, wots the minimum pot size u can use?


Well-Known Member
Here in the US, where we spend billions on the war against drugs, more than half of our jail population is from marijuana.


Well-Known Member
check out my SOG setup you can see pics of 4" and 8" spacing they both work great if you induce flowering @ 4-8" tall
thats the dogs bollocks that m8 fuck me id love a set up like that, gonna have to get a nice mommy plant on the go n get the cuttings i well gotta have a crack at that, wot u yielding per cut?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
SCROG (screen of green) is growing plants and training them to spread out on a grid of some sort producing many bud sites that get even lighting. SOG (sea of green) is growing many small single cola plants.


Well-Known Member
if i put em into 6" pots n induce flower like u sed at 4-8" will they be ok or will they become root bound?
no they will not fill with roots that fast so you will be good.. and depending on strain you can get up to 1oz per single cola if right pheno and care..


Well-Known Member
id use 4" pots and pack it in close, veg for 20-25 days then flower for 50-65 days ( dependant upon strain ). Then harvest those forearm size cola's. killer...........