Sac and El Dorado County Grow limits Questions


Active Member
Hello I am living in between the Sac county and El Dorado County I was wondering what is the grow limits how many plants can you grow in each I beleve El Dorado County is 10? or so just double checking. I am soon to have my canibus card and need to find out which county would be more ligit to grow in... also if i have 1 other person growning in the house we can grow together doubling our grow right?

another question.... if i can get friends to provide me with copys of there CA STATE ID CARDS, and CANIBUS CARDS can I be considered a care taker or care grower or what ever and also grow for them? how legal would that be.

so the situation would be 2 people living in a house and growing 4 canibus card limits if i have copys of all there information???? Thank you


You have to be careful about claiming that you're a "caregiver" for others. The CA Supreme Ct ruled last year that to be a caregiver you have to take care of all the health needs of the patient. Large task. But, if you are a member of a collective, and you and your friends could start one, you can grow for the other members and keep it all legal.
I don't know the limits for those counties, but I do know that the state law allows you to have 6 adult plants for each patient in the collective. The counties and cities can allow more, not less. You should check with the county you want to grow in, they'll tell you.


Active Member
Sac county is state minimum.

Eldorado county is much higher:
El Dorado: Outdoors: 20 plants March 1 through July 31; 10 plants through October (end of season) and 2 # bud from 9/1 to 2/28; 1 # from 3/1 to 8/31. Indoors: 10 vegetative plants, 1 mother plant, 10 flowering plants and1 # bud per patient. Formerly 6 plants and / or 2 pounds processed. Caregivers can take care of household plus three outside patients. Also see the DA policy here El Dorado County DA Policy