Sac County Growers


I'm Starting this thread to put out some legal info that is going to prohibit outdoor grows in the County. Didn't know if I should post here or in legal but I'm sure if I'm wrong I'll get moved.

Interim County Executive
[FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook]Steven C. Szalay [/FONT][/FONT]County of Sacramento Board of Supervisors [FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook]Phil Serna, District 1 Jimmie Yee, District 2 Susan Peters, District 3 Roberta MacGlashan, District 4 Don Nottoli, District 5 [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook]700 H Street, Suite 7650 • Sacramento, California 95814 • phone (916) 874-7682 • fax (916) 874-5885 • [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook]
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]News Release [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]June 16, 2011
Contact: Chris Andis, PIO, 916-874-2691
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Sacramento County Introducing Medical Marijuana Ordinance for Unincorporated Areas
[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Sacramento, CA., -- Sacramento County is bringing an urgency ordinance to the Board of Supervisors on June 21 that will set in place a temporary process for marijuana dispensaries to be permitted and operate in the unincorporated areas within specific conditions.
The Ordinance regulates the cultivation and dispensing of medical marijuana and addresses concerns within unincorporated Sacramento County communities about the proliferation of illegal and unpermitted medical marijuana dispensaries.
"Currently, these dispensaries are operating illegally and we want to provide a method for them to operate under controlled circumstances, and in a way that balances the needs of the communities with the business interests and their customers," said Steve Szalay, Interim County Executive. "We are suggesting an urgency ordinance because of the proliferation of businesses and complaints from communities."
There are approximately 50 illegal dispensaries currently operating within the unincorporated County. Code enforcement has issued numerous notices of violations, and the dispensaries or collectives have been ordered to cease operating.
If approved by the Board of Supervisors, the Interim Urgency Ordinance will become effective immediately, but must be extended within 45 days from adoption with required noticing (legal notifications in the media). The hearing to extend the Ordinance is tentatively scheduled for July 26
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]th [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]along with a related Business License Ordinance. The County will have up to two years to establish a permanent Ordinance. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Informational presentations will be scheduled with the County’s Community Planning Advisory Councils through the summer.
[/FONT][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook]Medical Marijuana Ordinance con’t [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][FONT=Century Schoolbook,Century Schoolbook][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Brief Overview of Provisions
Cultivation Conditions:

  1. [FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]
    [*]Outdoor cultivation is prohibited
    [*]Indoor cultivation is allowed with limitations
    [*]Cultivation by qualified patients or caregivers with various limitations will be allowed
    [*]Must be in residential zones and agricultural-residential zones
    [*]Within a primary residences or residential accessory dwelling with restrictions
    [*]Within accessory structures with significant restrictions
    [*]Limited number of plants
    [*]Not allowed within 600 feet of school, school bus stop, school evacuation site, church, park, child care center or youth-oriented facility
    [*]Must meet standards including fencing, location, odor control
[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Dispensing Conditions:

  1. [FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]
    [*]Limited to certain zoning categories – Limited or General Commercial or Light Industrial
    [*]Requires a use permit from the Board of Supervisors
    [*]Businesses must be consistent with certain operating conditions
    [*]Not allowed within 300 feet of residentially or agricultural-residentially zoned properties
    [*]Not allowed on parcels within 1,000 feet of a school, school bus stop, school evacuation site, church, park, child care center or youth-oriented facility
    [*]May not grow or cultivate on site
    [*]Must have visible store-front location
    [*]Employees (and others) may not have conviction of violent felony and be a minimum of 18 years of age
    [*]No use or consumption is allowed on site
    [*]Adequate security must be enforced
    [*]Records must be submitted to the County

Now the last meeting I can find is in August of 2011 where these issues where discussed. I even called the Board and was told that it's fedrally still illegal but the state has regulated guidlines outlined in prop 215/ SB420. (avoiding my questions). So @ present these conditions have not been implemented yet & still up for debate. Rancho has measure "O" and E.G has already adopted these conditions W/ stricter guide lines & permits trying to set the standerd for placer,eldorado, & surrounding areas.

Anyone w/ up to date info or have a link to it would be much apreciated. Seasons about to start & if we can''t grow outside no more its gonna be F#$%&^ for those who don't know..


Thanks for this post- was looking for this info for quite some time concerning outdoor growing in the county since they started cracking down on the dispensaries within the county.

this link seems to be recently updated( concerning sac county/elk grove growing regulations now) it's the only thing I have been able to come across relating to this. Cracking down on anything "federally" illegal.

also- dec 2011 gets more detailed, I'd expect a updated moratorium by the end of the grow season.


Well-Known Member
All of the talk in the Sac County area really has been about the dispensaries. The average outdoor grower/patient still isn't something that they have focused on......... yet.

I was a lot more in tune last season with the dispensary being my main source for meds. Now I just take care of myself in my small area. :)


Yea I'm planning a small grow. Because it seems like its the same old song and dance "squeeze the big fish". if we keep it out there face and know the loop holes of grey areas of 215 & sb420 we'll be alright. its going to be @ least 2 years b4 the CSC hears the peck case so @ least till then I'm staying under the radar. Just want to give my fellow growers a heads up & Blessin's for a good season be it outdoor or forced indoor.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand the reasoning far as banning outdoor but allowing indoor. Outdoor growers are smart enough to keep their grows discreet so neighbors or potential rippers don't see them. And many folks can't afford the cost of indoor.....the equipment and SMUD bills....and many just don't have a suitable area or space indoors.


The odor is being considered a public nuisance to the nieghbors. It's way out but placer is sticking to there guns on that 1 so is elk grove and Rancho. I agree w/ you about discreet and honestly I don't think the bird is going to trip on your outdoor gardens if there small and discreet but if you got enough legal knowledge to stop them @ the door it helps out alot, @ the least study the loop holes so you know how to give them a run for the money


Well-Known Member
I just noticed the date on the story, it's from last year! Had me scared for a moment. The supes basically dumped that when the banned dispensaries in the county because it's illegal under federal law. Nothing was said about outdoor growing, and the Feds aren't concerned with medical patients growing for their own use. So unless the county enacts something else to address outdoor growing, personal use grows if you have a scrip are fine


Well-Known Member
does anyone know the legality of growing out in sac county nowadays? ive heard they wont mess with you if your within medical limits just want to make sure


Active Member
So if you live outside the city limits your good? I thought this ordinance was set up for every body in sacramento. I wonder how your going to grow at all with these rules.
It's all a big dick pull w/o a nut. How can you voluntarily compromise your security to have the right to follow constantly changing regulations? I'm glad to see what has changed but not enough to trust in a system unable to iron out rights we received 20 yrs ago. Be legal live like the criminals we are made to be.


Well-Known Member
So if you live outside the city limits your good? I thought this ordinance was set up for every body in sacramento. I wonder how your going to grow at all with these rules.
Correct. If you live in one of the surrounding or outlying cities you can grow UNLESS the city you live in has adopted a similar ordinance. Sacramento County is complaint driven and will likely bring health and safety code violations as well as building code enforcement if you are caught. Depending on the amount the police can cite if the amount grown exceeds what you should be growing for your condition (officers discression :( ).

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
oh okay that's good to know ABM. I don't live in the actual city ,but if I did I really wouldn't sweat 5-6 normal sized plants. but its still good to stay on point!:eyesmoke::idea:


Well-Known Member
I hate living in this area. I remember when they shut down Magnolia, but then I found River city down the street :p


Well-Known Member
yeah there being really stupid the way there going about it. well i guess ill just have to grow inside a greenhouse or just mix a few autos in with the other crops you know that sort of thing and hopefully the cops arent dicks about a few outdoor plants.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
I hate living in this area. I remember when they shut down Magnolia, but then I found River city down the street :p
wow!, I miss magnolia, but I miss river city even more! I use to attend there classes and volunteer for and 33rd was the spot, didn't to much like it when they moved to northgate, but Anthony and his wife are cool ppl , I really do miss those days. those were the days when you could by an 1/8th and get close to 5g, atleast 4.0g :clap: