Sackful of Hermie seeds


Well-Known Member
my buddy gave me about a golfball sized baggie full of seeds the other day but he said they came from a plant that went hermie. Apparently the grower let the shit develop because i picked out about 20 good dark plump striped seeds....i went ahead and started germinating them, but i wasn't sure if i should go ahead and start them when they are ready or are the odds stacked against me because i'm starting out with hermie seed? the only reason im messing with it is kuz apparently it was some killer weed the guy was growing


New Member
They should be predominantly female... you may find a few males in there along with some hermies...

I'd imagine that you should have a high ratio of females though.


Well-Known Member
that's good, i didn't know if they would be more apt to be female or hermie....i have heard bad things about feminized seeds though....i just wondered if the ones from this hermie plant were unfavorable as well. I have like 20 or so of them i should get a few females. any other takers on the question?


Well-Known Member
I tried it, they hermied again. Got 17 oz, AND seeds up the wazzoo. If you have enough room to spread them out and cut thier balls off you might do just fine. Especially if you can see, I'm about 1/2 blind. You know how old people are. VV


Well-Known Member
so almost all my seeds will be female and explans my plant. cool but no sacks on it thank god