Sacramento County board backs ID cards for medical pot users


Well-Known Member

By Robert Lewis
Published: Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2008 | Page 2B

The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a resolution to begin issuing identification cards for patients who use medical marijuana.
The board followed the strong recommendation of its county counsel, who worried supervisors could face unwinnable litigation. Sacramento Sheriff John McGinness also had dropped his earlier opposition.
In a 4-1 vote, the board approved the resolution. Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan cast the dissenting vote.

In March, supervisors had shot down a similar resolution to begin issuing the cards, which are mandated by a 2003 state law.
At that time McGinness had opposed the cards, saying they contradicted federal laws that still classify marijuana as an illegal drug. Supervisors MacGlashan, Don Nottoli and Susan Peters had voted against the measure.
Since that time, a state appeals court upheld the ID card program, which San Diego and San Bernardino counties had challenged through a lawsuit. The California Supreme Court in October declined to hear the case.
Based on that decision, County Counsel Robert Ryan advised the board to approve the cards or risk facing a lawsuit the county couldn't win. McGinness also advised supervisors to follow state law.
More than a dozen medical marijuana-using patients and advocates attended the meeting to support the resolution. Many talked of the relief marijuana provided; others questioned why the county would invite a costly lawsuit.
"To me the testimony is compelling," Supervisor Roger Dickinson said before voting. "The issue here today is whether we follow the law."
The cards will cost $166 for patients without Medi-Cal and $83 for those with the insurance. The cards will be good for one year from the date of issuance and need to be renewed annually.