Sad but true

If you want to be free in this world to do your own thing you must first be a slave. Whether it be by working for your boss or studying for your teacher or lecturer (breaking your ass). :dunce::dunce::dunce::wall:


Well-Known Member
Or you could steal someones idea, drop out of school, create program and get billions like the facebook dude.


New Member
tottally true dude im 18 and in college soon to be in my second year then uni .... then get a good job then work my ass of then be comfortable with life ... long and boring, and other's seem to think there not slave's that's the worst trying to explain to my friends about all the truther stuff they just don't get it lol ¬¬


Well-Known Member
Well, 'slave' is a little alarmist. The way I explain it to my son is we must do things that we don't like to do in order to be able to do the things we like to do. We all have bosses, even if you're self employed your clients are your bosses. Some people are lucky enough to do what they love for a living, so their recreation is also their living. I grow for a living, and I'm very aware that these little green bitches have me by the balls: I hop around day or night giving them everything that they need, but I wouldn't say I'm their slave. Especially since I eventually kill and dismember them all, try getting away with that with a human boss ;)


Well-Known Member
I cannot stand for the whole boss/employee dynamic. I have a problem with pretense. I like to call it out when I see it, and I am not very good at pretending myself. Most bosses I have worked for are not satisfied with a good job and subordination, they want the extra ass-kissing mile. Many bosses got their job by kissing ass to the higher management and being an asshole to the lower workers. Business rewards asshole behavior.

I used to work in a junk-mail processing center. When I first started, I put in tons of extra hours. After a few months it got noticed by the plant manager who offered me a full time job. (I was a temp) Before I could be officially hired I called off sick on what happened to be a Friday. Sometime during the next week I saw the boss and he gave me shit for calling off on a Monday. (never mind that I still put in 40+ hours that week) He said I must really like those three day weekends. I sort of chuckled and pointed out it was actually a Friday. A few weeks later I asked how the hiring process was going, and he said he was having doubts because I have a habit of calling off on Fridays and Mondays. At this point I had been there 8-9 months and only called off one time, yet in his mind I had a reputation for taking three day weekends. This is the sort of half-assed management mentality that I came to despise. I ended up working there for 4 years as a temp until the plant closed due to the management embezzling them into bankruptcy.

Over the years I have noticed this mentality in most upper management. It's not enough to be a hard worker if you don't also give up your individuality. Companies depend on group think and are suspicious of distinct character. Sometimes they reward it at first because they see it as leadership, but when you show you aren't interested in leading for their cause you get punished, sometimes subtly, sometimes bluntly.


Well-Known Member
My experience EXACTLY Heis! I have a hard time keeping corporate jobs because I am not placated by free movie tickets or ice cream in the break room. I worked my ass off, volunteered to work on days off, always came in when someone else called out... which they did very often. The only time I didn' go to work was the day I got ran over in the crosswalk. I did everything I could for that company, but they didn't like that the company wasn't my life. I was doing three different job titles but only getting paid for one. And then they tell me the don't consider night shift people for promotion.

Anyway, the subordination thing really gets to me. It's ok for management to have a sense of humor, but most of them have a stick up their asses all the time.

I'm just venting...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I work a slave labor job but the people I work for are cool. Very slack work environment but the only way to make time fly faster is to try and work hard, yet theres a few shitheads that take advantage of the slack work environment. Im currently taking mondays off for upgrading my math so I can be a slave to a teacher in the fall. Weeoo.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Well, 'slave' is a little alarmist. The way I explain it to my son is we must do things that we don't like to do in order to be able to do the things we like to do. We all have bosses, even if you're self employed your clients are your bosses. Some people are lucky enough to do what they love for a living, so their recreation is also their living. I grow for a living, and I'm very aware that these little green bitches have me by the balls: I hop around day or night giving them everything that they need, but I wouldn't say I'm their slave. Especially since I eventually kill and dismember them all, try getting away with that with a human boss ;)
Fucking Epic!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Ummmm, It's called WORK because it is just that.
Any of you think your boss or management is so evil,
start you're own business and hire someone.
Not many employees are truly dedicated like the boss man or management has to be.
Work is Work, not fucking off, collecting a check and expecting the world to glorify your stupid ass.


Well-Known Member
Ummmm, It's called WORK because it is just that.
Any of you think your boss or management is so evil,
start you're own business and hire someone.
Not many employees are truly dedicated like the boss man or management has to be.
Work is Work, not fucking off, collecting a check and expecting the world to glorify your stupid ass.
It was apparently too much work for you to read the thread? No one has called their boss evil. No one has complained about actual labor. No one is expecting to get a check for nothing. Your comments seem designed to maximize the appearance of a smart-ass attitude more than they are to be relevant to anything that's actually been said.
Thanks for everyone's feedback but just to make it clear i would never expect something for nothing. But their must be some sort of level ground where we can all be equal and live together in peace smoking lots of ganja.


Well-Known Member
I HAVE managed employees. A lot of the problem comes from bad hiring practices by MANAGEMENT. They are the ones that hire the lazy employees. I hired good employees and let them be a part of the company, not just try to make them FEEL like part of the company. I didn't treat them like a child. I let them be creative and valued their input. They were great employees.

If management new anything about managing... they wouldn't act like it was so hard. A big part of a managment position is to make sure the employees have what they need to do their job to the best of their ability... not whip them and say... I pay you 8 dollars an hour and let you have that day off last year, you should be more grateful! If you hire good employees and they aren't earning their pay... then it's managements problem. Look into it... a lot of times it's not that they are lazy, but that they probably don't see the big picture of how everything works together.

Too often managers just give employees specific tasks and don't answer questions they have. If you show the employees how all of their jobs work together, how everything works, etc., then you get a more productive employee as they are able to think for themselves and not wait to be told what to do like so many managers would have it. No need for micromanaging and the management job is so much easier.


Well-Known Member
I have been fortunate in my life to have experienced the full gamut of work experiences; from cleaning toilets on my hands and knees for $3.25/hr to owning my own manufacturing company making $$$$$$ with beautiful sales women offering me sex for contracts...IMHO, what really decides if a person enjoys their work or not is their EGO!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyone's feedback but just to make it clear i would never expect something for nothing. But their must be some sort of level ground where we can all be equal and live together in peace smoking lots of ganja.
I haven't found it yet, but I know it's not at work!


Active Member
You could use Witchcraft as a means to obtain hidden knowledge, which could lead to the American Deam