Sad damaged drooping clones.. effect medicine quality?


Active Member
So i traded some seeds for these sad little nearly dead clones...

They are pretty far gone and something i would have thrown out immediately, but there is a slight chance they can be saved.

My question is, for plants this baddly shocked / mangled, will it effect the quality of the plants yield or if they recover will it be as if it never happened? or somewhere in between?


Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
get them under a cfl and water them. Clones are tougher than you think, I left 2 clones out in my car 3 months ago in - 5 degrees c weather and they lived to tell the tale, they are now near harvest. PS don't grow in clear plastic cups, the roots need darkness. good luck mate.


Active Member
ya im thinking they might survive, the question is more do i want to bother growing them out.. does massive stress like that effect quality of the endproduct..
and i usually transfer rapid rooters to clear cups and put that cup in a red cup when i bring batches to the dispensaries for them to sell, so people can see the root structure


Well-Known Member
I think it could make the veg period just more extended and thus inefficient compared to starting with awesome clones. I don't think it would have a lasting effect unless the plant continued to struggle throughout veg; how she looks going into flower is what matters to me, anyway. Of course I have no science to link showing either way, so purely speculation here.

EDIT: With all that being said-- I still wouldn't bother/risk growing them if my space or plant count were limited unless you have a difficult time getting clones/seeds for some reason.


Well-Known Member
theyre harlequin clones i traveled 4 hrs to get =/
I would, without hesitation, give them every chance I could. You have a few moons between now and harvest to right most any wrongdoing at this point.

Eye of the :eyesmoke:

Peace and Great Grows
