sad sad blackberry kush next to a happy northern lights

Ok so..... the problem... my bbk is shooting one and three bladed leaves all over and my nl's are shooting 8 and even some 9 maybe an eleven bladed leaf basically the two nls are both about 6 inches taller than the bbk and are under a lights of america 9266 compact flourescent floodlight model number 9266 and the bbks each have their own 100 watt 5500k spirally light bulb, do I need to put a second 100 watt for each bbk? oh and nls are 23 inches while the bbks are representing closer tp 17 inches,


Well-Known Member
here's a little hint, oh wait - sorry bro. I no longer give out advice or help unless I'm specifically asked or if someone sends me their question or questions in a private message. Which I think its better than way anyhow. That way I don't have any problems.

maybe someone else will come through and help you out.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
here's a little hint, oh wait - sorry bro. I no longer give out advice or help unless I'm specifically asked or if someone sends me their question or questions in a private message. Which I think its better than way anyhow. That way I don't have any problems.

maybe someone else will come through and help you out.

Good luck.

what kinda problems you talking about?????????????????
I don't really think I deserved that but ok... just trying to get an answer or something if the answer is in a sticky or something just say so.... sorry for asking just thought someone could help me out here