Sad to Say, I ended my grow....


Well-Known Member
IGG, I've only read your first post, but depending on where you live, your landlord has just broken the law BIG TIME. Unless it's an emergency, they do NOT have the right to show up, or have an agent or representative show up, without at least 24 hours notice. California is very stringent on those rules and if it becomes problematic you can actually withhold rent on the basis of habitability. The basic premise is that as long as you pay rent the home is yours, and you have a right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises.

I'm sorry that you were put in this position, but glad that you're not looking at any worse trouble for your efforts.


Well-Known Member
IGG, I've only read your first post, but depending on where you live, your landlord has just broken the law BIG TIME. Unless it's an emergency, they do NOT have the right to show up, or have an agent or representative show up, without at least 24 hours notice. California is very stringent on those rules and if it becomes problematic you can actually withhold rent on the basis of habitability. The basic premise is that as long as you pay rent the home is yours, and you have a right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises.

I'm sorry that you were put in this position, but glad that you're not looking at any worse trouble for your efforts.
No, it's my fault, I was told a few weeks before that he was coming and i said o.k. I just wasn't prepared for him to be showing up without warning at nine in the morning. I figured that I would at least get a phone call before he came, to make sure I was there. He wasn't the only reason, although it did play a big part in my decision to end the grow... Nothing I can do now anyway. I'm just going to suck it up and wait for the new apartment. I am certainly choosing one that has a room that is perfect for a grow opp. I am going to spare no expense with the next grow. Plus, this grow was a great learning experiance for me.

I'm not going cry over spilt milk. I'm gonna suck it up, and wait a few months. Maybe talk a friend of mine into doing it are her house. She has an entire basement with nothing but a washer and dryer in it. She lives alone in her fathers house and he hasn't come back from england to visit her in 4 years. He just sends her tix to go see him.... Maybe that will be my next project.


Well-Known Member
im sorry to hear about this, you can never really trust anyone especially your neighbors. good luck with growing (if you ever will again) and i hope nothing like this ever happens to anyone on this site.