Saddest moment of my life ..


Well-Known Member
lol.. after harvest when I wash out the pots I am always sad. Usually the feeling is relief mixed with numb and sore sticky hands mixed with sadness. And then i go light up a fat one.

I always say a nice prayer for the girls. Sometimes it gets messy in there.. i aint no master swordsman sometimes it takes a few hacks ;))


Active Member
okay I woke up today, and she looked alright no drooping leaves or anything worse . I grabbed a 'zip tie' n cut of the excess part of ziptie to completely bring it together. Hoping for the best!!!


Well-Known Member
lol.. after harvest when I wash out the pots I am always sad. Usually the feeling is relief mixed with numb and sore sticky hands mixed with sadness. And then i go light up a fat one.

I always say a nice prayer for the girls. Sometimes it gets messy in there.. i aint no master swordsman sometimes it takes a few hacks ;))
this might help it's a Nazi funeral song they played everytime one of the bastard die, you can play it & feel joyful just like you can cut your baby's and still feel happy about it :clap::weed:


New Member
Okay, I hate how I always look at my plant , but I do it to make sure no bugs get on it . I stepped on one of my sticks that are holding alot of my 'rope tape' it split the branch. like I have 4 main stems n where it V's it cracked about 2 inches down. I taped it down as good as I can with the 'rope tape' i got , It held it together nicely I suppose but its still open a little at the top.

not so sad man. i dropped too much feed on a seedling, blew it off thinking it would blow off. but really i blew too hard and too clsoe and it snapped my 1 week old seedlings stock right in half limping it over. it was still attatched to the slightest degree. i pulled it back up taped it, 10 days later pulled the tape off the stock and it was bueno.


New Member
Okay, I hate how I always look at my plant , but I do it to make sure no bugs get on it . I stepped on one of my sticks that are holding alot of my 'rope tape' it split the branch. like I have 4 main stems n where it V's it cracked about 2 inches down. I taped it down as good as I can with the 'rope tape' i got , It held it together nicely I suppose but its still open a little at the top.

how does hse look today btw??? any wilting? browning? Just flat out fucking ugliness? thatd be the signs your in highstress soon and your plant is in high probabillity of fucking off.


New Member
okay I woke up today, and she looked alright no drooping leaves or anything worse . I grabbed a 'zip tie' n cut of the excess part of ziptie to completely bring it together. Hoping for the best!!!
I didnt read this.
good stuff, sounds like if you havent seen wilting or bullshit by now your safe and its healing just stay on top of feeding as its putting allot of concentration to that fix now. not a heavier feed but maybe more frequent. as soon as top soils crusts even a little.


Active Member
I don't feed her nuets though that the crappy part. I'm letting mother nature take care of her /: and the stock is pretty thick in a way . I don't think the 'ziptie' will cut through it unless the stock was thinner ?


Well-Known Member
I don't feed her nuets though that the crappy part. I'm letting mother nature take care of her /: and the stock is pretty thick in a way . I don't think the 'ziptie' will cut through it unless the stock was thinner ?
if it is still fresh green looking it will grind the outer layer. if it is woody you should be good

the russian man

Active Member
loldid you not know plants heal themselves like jumas do? like whenyou top a plant.. anyways yea i used the plumbing tape and i run strings to other branches for suppor you just gotta make sure the branch is tight ot where it ripped off from for a couple a days and jsut support the branch with something. and give nutes to the plant deff im sure there nutes out the that help plant tissue repair and things like that.