safe to get seeds shipped to my college?


Active Member
do u guys think it would be safe to get seeds shipped to my university. all the packages are collected at one place and i would have to go get it and i need to use my real name because they ID you.

i would order it from a trusted company like nirvana and i would use a pre paid visa.

just wanted to know if there is something im overlooking here. any other things i should do?


Active Member
do u guys think it would be safe to get seeds shipped to my university. all the packages are collected at one place and i would have to go get it and i need to use my real name because they ID you.

i would order it from a trusted company like nirvana and i would use a pre paid visa.

just wanted to know if there is something im overlooking here. any other things i should do?
sounds like a bad idea to me. have it shipped to a friend's house who you don't care about. tell him they do not ship to PO boxs like at your college.

Nirvana doesn't accept prepaid visa..

plus I wouldnt order from them. I hearing a lot of horror stories.

So screw nirvana-shop.


Active Member
well i have no choice. none of my friends will let me ship anything to their house.

this is the only place i can get it shipped to without parents snooping. do you know of any reliable shops that accept pre paid cards


Well-Known Member
Get a mail box at "MailBoxesAreUs". You'll probably have to use your real name but ... you do not want any weed related stuff coming through campus. They take a dim view of drugs on campus, even though the professors are smoking more than you. I have talked to 2 people expelled from university for being caught with joints. Don't be a dope.

"do you know of any reliable shops that accept pre paid cards "

Attitude and Pick n Mix. Pick n Mix does not ship to the US.


ps Just where are you going to grow this bud if you don't even have a place to have seeds delivered?

pss I wouldn't take a Nirvana seed for free.


Do you know what kind of high/stone you want?




Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but a bad idea followed by I have no choice is a recipe for disaster if you ask me. If you get caught they will throw you out of college. Where was you planning on growing at ? In a dorm ? You are just asking for all kinds of problems.

Your best bet is to wait until your situation changes.

Trust me, we are looking out for your best interest here, even if you don't think so.

so please listen.


Well-Known Member
Might be doing an outside grow this summer.

If not, considering the limitations Chad's told us, a computer should not be used on Chad's side of the internet. Box with drawings, nothing with electricity.





Well-Known Member
Buy you're seeds through The Attitude seedbank, they sell Nirvana seeds and try growing some Lowryders in a computer case it is stealth.


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a terrible idea. ur most likely to get busted.
i think the mailboxesareus is ur best bet.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
don't see what is wrong with this.. not like they can open your mail, one it would be evidence that had lost chain of custody (as a law enforcement officer was not present and didn't have the evidence signed into his custody) or privacy infringement for opening your mail (which I do believe is a federal crime).

I used my real name and got a package from hemp depot.. no problems. Use a different seedbank. Most are stealth enough.


Active Member
well i actually do have a choice. this was pretty much a back up plan in case my original plan did not work or something.

my friend is growing it in his apartment which is a basement apartment to someones house. yea i know that may be stupid but were gonna do it so theres no turning back we already accessed all risks ect.

i was just trying to think of a way to get the seeds quicker because my friend doesnt move in until may so he wouldnt be able to order it until may. i just wanted to see if i could get the seeds sooner so we can start as soon as he gets the apartment


Well-Known Member
"my friend is growing it in his apartment which is a basement apartment to someones house. yea i know that may be stupid but were gonna do it so theres no turning back we already accessed all risks ect."

I wouldn't know where to start.


1. Friend - two can keep a secret if one is dead.

2. basement apartment to someones house - the second most common way growers are caught is smell. You've already fucked the first way in #1, and will no doubt fuck the 3rd having a constant stream of loud friends over to the appartment.
3. we already accessed all risks ect. - I don't want to get into the ect, but what are all the risks?

And yes, I did intend to be mean. I don't want a forum member to fuck his life over over a couple of plants. Get a GPS and do an outdoor grow in the woods.




Active Member
Okay, for all of those out there wanting to ship to college dorm instead of home, it is legit. I had mine sent here, put my name on it, and and am holding it in my hands right now. Some private universities I suppose could have some special regulations, but I could only see like the most conservative private schools opening your mail without your consent. Sending it to the dorms = awesome.


Well-Known Member
shipping to your school is just a a risk I would not recommend. but hey, its your education. And probably your parents tuition money.

Don't be stupid. If you had to ask it's obviously a risk not worth taking.


Well-Known Member
"for all of those out there wanting to ship to college dorm instead of home, it is legit."

Excellent, it'll go well with my present hobby of putting a bag over my head and running back and forth on the highway. Perfectly safe, never been hit. Recommend it to everyone.




Oracle of Hallucinogens
"for all of those out there wanting to ship to college dorm instead of home, it is legit."

Excellent, it'll go well with my present hobby of putting a bag over my head and running back and forth on the highway. Perfectly safe, never been hit. Recommend it to everyone.


You do this too? Shit man.. I thought I was the only one.


Active Member
You do this too? Shit man.. I thought I was the only one.
There are two scenarios where you'll face consequences.

A) Customs gets your seeds and you get a stupid letter in the mail.

B) You yell "THANK GOD MY MJ SEEDS FINALLY CAME IN THE MAIL" in front of an authority figure and you get busted on campus.

Really, it depends on how you handle your parcel after it arrives and nothing more.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
There are two scenarios where you'll face consequences.

A) Customs gets your seeds and you get a stupid letter in the mail.

B) You yell "THANK GOD MY MJ SEEDS FINALLY CAME IN THE MAIL" in front of an authority figure and you get busted on campus.

Really, it depends on how you handle your parcel after it arrives and nothing more.
I said 'you do this too' to this:

"Excellent, it'll go well with my present hobby of putting a bag over my head and running back and forth on the highway. Perfectly safe, never been hit. Recommend it to everyone."


Well-Known Member
stupidity in kids today. They don't think thru the issue and take risks like MJ growing is a speeding ticket. It may not be a big deal to your peers but to the world outside it is and you will need them soon ei college, job, etc. If your that stupid at taking risks wait and send to his apt. or find a friend off campus. I am sure you will fail in some way...I'd suggest a gorilla grow but again you have made such poor decisions so far that will get you busted. If this is your first grow your waisting your money on good seeds. Start with bag weed seeds....Unless you grew up on a farm...

Best bet is step back and continue to buy your weed and get thru college and when you own a home spend the +$1,000 for a real growing closet and get started. Put your time in other hobbies. you have been warned by your team here....