Safe to switch to 400w MH in 3rd week of flowering? Under CFL's. +rep


Active Member
Hey gumdrops,
is it safe to switch to a 400w MH while theyre in the 3rd week of flowering under 2700k CFL's? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah go for it, that MH is much better, just keep it further away from them than you had with the CFLs. 8-10 inches is about right.


Well-Known Member
switching would be fine safety wise and all that, but just adding would be alot better. or you should get a ceramic metal halide bulb if their is no possible way for that to happen(hell, i'd say no matter what get yourself the cmh bulb.)


Well-Known Member
cmh have both spectrums and is supposed to have better wavelengths in the red range of the hps and it supposedly puts out less heat. However i find a blue spectrum added hps does better than the cmh imo and no real difference in temps. They are alright, ive got and use one and it does outperform my old normal metal halide bulb, but hps beats it still imo. I just realized something though. He has a metal halide ballast it sounds like and you need an hps ballast for cmh. So my advice was BAD. Sorry i didnt realize my mistake sooner.