Safe weed sites


Active Member
I'm not sure if this is the right section but i see all these supposed legal weed sites, could someone who's tried to purchase from one tell me how it went? Better yet how does it get to you without the risk of arrest or being confiscated? I'm tired of buying the same shit around my way soo plz help a rasta out!


Well-Known Member
legal weed is nothing more than mixed herbs and other shit that happens to resemble weed..

it wont get you high... maybe a headache

it isnt bud... hence why they can sell it without issue

if you actually purchase it your more than wasting your money...

and if you buy it to try to sell it as weed you will more than likely get your ass kicked...

long story short, dont waste your time or money purchasing "legal weed"... if it was good and did the job, non of us would be growing our own real weed...

if you are hell bent on it tho, check out


Well-Known Member
That shit is "legal" weed, in other words, its fake as shit.. Don't buy it Don't buy it Don't buy it Don't buy it Don't buy it!! Okay? Cool... Its terrible from what I have heard and read..


Active Member
i actually had some icy XXX.
it isn't like a weed high.
but you feel pretty cool for a couple of hours.

i didn't buy it so don't flame me!

but it did have me feeling good