Saginaw Sherrif being recalled?


Active Member
Take a look at this article (and the comments from readers below the article). This car that he's rolling around in was seized from a medical marijuana patient who apparently had too many plants when he was raided. The Sheriff decided to flaunt the bust, and had the car door painted to read "this car was seized from a drug dealer" (or something to that effect) and apparently rolls around town in it like he's some type of hero. If you live in Saginaw county, you are free to sign the petition to have this clown recalled.
Hey bro thanks for the link, i got a thread about this somewhere on here, didnt see this ad yet thou, I am not from sagnaw this sucks
wow what a tard. If I lived there I would be going door to door to get signatures!!! Medicating all the way too!
why does it seem that State Troopers and Sheriffs department are taking up the fight against medical patients? They got a serious hard on for weed smokers. I think they should spend that energy on making there communities safer. Robbery, and violent crime is on the rise here in Michigan, I think everyone needs to slow down, and maybe some should just smoke one and think about it.:clap:
why does it seem that State Troopers and Sheriffs department are taking up the fight against medical patients? They got a serious hard on for weed smokers. I think they should spend that energy on making there communities safer. Robbery, and violent crime is on the rise here in Michigan, I think everyone needs to slow down, and maybe some should just smoke one and think about it.:clap:

lol yeah but most of that crime is attributed to detroit and flint
lol yeah but most of that crime is attributed to detroit and flint

yes and no, all cities and towns have crime. My point is were most places are cutting back on there budget in regards to this area of crime, but these two parties are ramping up there efforts. Shit this sheriffs bragging about it when he drives around town.
i get so angry when i hear about cops who abuse their power. so angry that i actually lost sleep after the 7 year old girl shot by detroit police thread.
this guy is an absolute ass hat-

drug dealer my ass, the guy that got his car taken is regular fuckin schmo, i could take a 15 minute drive and get whatever the fuck i want, let alone go to flint, this guy wouldn't know a drug dealer if i smacked him in his face

write this fag a letter his info is easy to find!
so what happens when an officer is recalled?

he is an elected official, so he can lose his job. I don't think anything criminal could come from it. unless he was driving it home, with his family in it to the store, etc. then he may be in some trouble.
i hope he is recalled just cuz of his shitty attitude and calling a caregiver a drug dealer. ugh i hate em.
“Most people in society handle their concerns by talking about it,” Federspiel said. “I’ve never talked to this person. I won’t be bullied by someone who doesn’t like the law.”

thats his quote. its pretty easy to see he has a complex with his ego.