Salvaging busted pH meter?


Active Member
Heya folks,

so, I have a hanna pH checker and it got knocked into a pail of water (way past the probe and into the part where it says "don't let water get above this line!!")

The readout still works and everything, but it won't go above 4.05 or so. I've tried removing the batteries to let its settings reset, putting them back in and recalibrating it with the 4.01 and 7.01 buffer solutions but it reads the 7.01 as 4.05 no matter how far I turn the calibration screws.

I'd like to try and salvage the meter somehow as they run ~$25 to $30 and I'm broke as hell right now. Does anybody have any ideas on how to do this or experience with this sort of thing?

Much obliged


New Member
put it inside of a jar of rice (but don't let it fall inside the calibration hole) overnight to absorb all the water.let it dry out completely then try it


Active Member
well, I had to leave the ph meter in the bag of rice for about a week, but it finally works again! thanks so much for the idea.