Salvaging something from a semi-failed first grow


New Member
I started my first grow back in November. DP AutoUltimate seeds (mistake-proof... :) ) in Canna Terra Pro +, 20L pots, Canna Terra Vega and Flores for nutrients. My big mistake was in lighting - I didn't understand that LED watt equivalents from normal lighting don't really transfer over to growing... oops. I bought a 50W UFO for what ended up as two plants (the third seed disappeared when I started germination). I used a 20/4 schedule. The grow site was simply in a space against a wall where I normally store guitar cases.

So I have these long stretchy plants that were very late to start flowering - like 7 - 8 weeks. I now (week 12) have a bunch of small buds with clear trichomes. The buds aren't very close together. Dark green leaves, with a few claws, maybe from too much nitrogen - I thought I was being conservative with nutes as everyone says to be, and I followed the Canna instructions, but maybe it was too much, I don't really know.

I'm happy to learn the lessons from this grow and move on to the next, but I'd like to salvage something to smoke out of this one, as I have nothing at the moment. It just doesn't seem like the plants want to mature. The leaves are still green, and look nothing like I see with other AU grows with much less time on them. I'm assuming the problem is low light.

I have access to a greenhouse, but it's obviously February, so not yet even 12 hours of light. Would it be worth it to move the plants to the greenhouse during the day to get more light? Or should I bite the bullet and buy more lights? Or should I simply be patient with the fact that this grow will just take a long time? Looking at the photos, it does seem like they're moving along, just slowly.

Thanks for any help!

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Well-Known Member
The areas that are clawing the worst are doing that because theyre not under the light at all. Also youre right, its probably not enough wattage for the size of the plants. Its a transpiration thing, the water cant evaporate properly from the leaves because they dont have enough light for photosynthesis.

Your call on whether to ride it out with what you have. More light would help, whether adding to whats there or moving to the greenhouse, although that could be a hassle and possibly stress it out.


New Member
Hey, thanks for the fast reply! I have a couple of GU10 grow light spots on the cola which isn't under the UFO, which might be useless, I don't know... just started focusing them on that spot a few days ago, I was trying to hit the lower leaves with them before.

Does it look like the buds are maturing, just slowly? The only reason I'm reluctant to buy more lights at this point is that I was going to build a better grow area once this one was done, but I wanted to buy the lights in the US when I'm there later in the spring. So much cheaper there!


Well-Known Member
Yeah theyll continue flowering, I mean they wont totally stall out or anything. With low light grows they just wont get that really dense ripe look, will stay kinda wispy. Id just let it go for a while until you upgrade and start fresh with some new seeds. Youll get something to smoke out of it.


Well-Known Member
Id go pretty light with the nutrients too since their metabolism is slower with dimmer lighting they dont use as much. Never used canna but Id probably go with half strength of whatever the instructions say.


Well-Known Member
At least your coming away from this having learned something......a mistake made and learned one not to be repeated..... Good luck on your future endeavors !


Active Member
+1 for light nutes since their metabolism is down, ime canna is pretty solid with their schedules under normal circumstances.
I'd recommend buying T5 HO's as soon as you can. It's probably a little late for this grow though.


Well-Known Member
They honestly don't look that bad, I've seen worse. Add a couple of CFL's for some additional lighting and finish them out.