SALVIA question


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't grow it unless you plan on making extract yourself. The leaves are really really weak by themselves.


Active Member
Don't grow salvia, it a LOT harder to grow than most plants especially if your not in an area that has an appropriate climate, also salvia is dirt cheap, for $25 (.1kg) you can extract around .3g of pure salvinorin A, enough for hundreds or thousands of trips. Or make your own 5x... whatever leaf.


Well-Known Member
well in case you didnt know.... you cant grow weed either w/o the appropriate climate but, some how some way, we figured it out, cant be that hard...

If you LOOK CLOSELY, I put a LINK to a SITE that explains on GROWING and BUYING salvia seeds......

g-status, grow up please told ya little girl


Well-Known Member
whys that, cuz youve got a couple of followers now??

youre a funny little guy arent you?? here daddy gives you hugs:hug:

Ill excuse youre ignorance for bein a little kid, its okay, I promise, you'll be alright....

:roll:..................... fag


Well-Known Member
I follow nobody. I operate on my own belief system. I believe salvia is a waste of money and time. I've wasted about 60 bucks on that shit and they arent getting a cent more of my money.


Well-Known Member
You both need to chill out and realize you're arguing over your opinions on salvia. Some people like it some people don't, end of story. As far as growing salvia goes I have heard it's hard but as graf points out thats no reason not to do it. Also consider the fact that as someone else pointed out the leaves are not very potent and when you buy it in a headshop you're buying extract. I'm not sure what the extracting entails but do a little research to see if it's worth it. On a side notes, I don't mind a little salvia from time to time but I do agree it is rather expensive for what its worth.


Well-Known Member
^^^ thanks for reminding me of that!!! (I really didnt already know that)

but thanks for pointing out that the ORIGINAL person of this thread wanted to know about GROWING salvia...

did NOT ask for anyones opinion on it!!!! so, my point of this whole thing was to help the person wanting to know about it...

instead weve got a 16yr. old typing from school here tryin to ruin every1's day, its cool though, freedom of speach........ I love it!!! :spew:


Well-Known Member
hey, for those who know about salvia i want to grow my own salvia insed of paying those crazy prices for it. I just wanted to know, can you buy any kind of salvia plant and still get that hallucinetic effect? Also do you think i could just get a plant or sum seeds from a local garden center or am i just doomed for life?

ORIGINAL THREAD!!!!!! read and figure it out, did we ask for a kids opinion on whether or not to do it???? or did we ask for a little info. on growing it?????
be the judge