Salvia Talk Come!


Well-Known Member
When ever I smoke salvia I get sharp stabbing pains all over my body (Mainly in my legs) So it's impossible to enjoy her awakening.

The first time I smoked salvia I felt confused, I was in pain and tossed into this bizarre alien world. It wasn't a good experience... So I gave it another chance. Same thing happened again.
Does anyone know what's going on? I have met alot of people with the same problem o_o
Thank you! Reading back on it helped me remember some things, and realize that it's really, REALLY, hard to portray such things in writing. At least for me, others seem so eloquent.

I also noticed, in that report, that I forgot to add the feeling of the world being lifted from my shoulders, which lasted for at least a few days.


Active Member
When ever I smoke salvia I get sharp stabbing pains all over my body (Mainly in my legs) So it's impossible to enjoy her awakening.

The first time I smoked salvia I felt confused, I was in pain and tossed into this bizarre alien world. It wasn't a good experience... So I gave it another chance. Same thing happened again.
Does anyone know what's going on? I have met alot of people with the same problem o_o

Same thing happened to me, but it felt like needle pricking all over my forehead and face. It wasn't pleasurable and i basically kept my eyes closed, until i thought i heard some people talking in my back room. I knew i was alone but it sounded so real. Then i wanted it to end so i tried walking to the kitchen and the only thing i could find quick was croutons. I sat back on my recliner couch and ate whatever was left in the bag. I also felt like the front of my brain/forehead fell off or was sticking out way further. Its hard to explain but i'm not going out looking to do salvia again. If she comes and finds me, i may take another ride.


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me, but it felt like needle pricking all over my forehead and face. It wasn't pleasurable and i basically kept my eyes closed, until i thought i heard some people talking in my back room. I knew i was alone but it sounded so real. Then i wanted it to end so i tried walking to the kitchen and the only thing i could find quick was croutons. I sat back on my recliner couch and ate whatever was left in the bag. I also felt like the front of my brain/forehead fell off or was sticking out way further. Its hard to explain but i'm not going out looking to do salvia again. If she comes and finds me, i may take another ride.
lol dude u dont do salvia alone bro, u probably were stuck and couldnt move ur body. try it again out of a water bong a medium size one with people u trust so watch over you. I did it with people watching over me, supposly i got up from the chair and fell or i think almost fell until they got me hahah
Out of curiosity where can Salvia be obtained? Or better yet how did you guys come across some? I've heard so much about it but never locally have I heard of a single person using Salvia.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity where can Salvia be obtained? Or better yet how did you guys come across some? I've heard so much about it but never locally have I heard of a single person using Salvia.
It's not to hard to find. Online venders or local headshops/smoke shops usually carry it.

Around me they actually sell it in convenient stores, It's some shitty low quality stuff though.


You can take salvia by yourself, It helps you focus more in on the substance and the intimacy with yourself.
When tripping for the first time on anything its better to have people who are sharing that experience with you so you don't feel alone.

I have yet to trip alone, My fiance always wants to be right there with me :P


Active Member
lol dude u dont do salvia alone bro, u probably were stuck and couldnt move ur body. try it again out of a water bong a medium size one with people u trust so watch over you. I did it with people watching over me, supposly i got up from the chair and fell or i think almost fell until they got me hahah
yeah i know i shoulda had someone there, but fuck it i like to live on the edge. :) thats why i barely moved from my recliner, i know you can fall over and shit. I kept leaning up and looking back into the back room to see if anyone was there. I'm pretty sure it was the family guy playing in front of me but sounded like it was behind me in the room. LOL>


Well-Known Member
Its like nothing I have ever done... Its indescribable.

Everything just feels really alien.. cartoonish. Shit blows my mind how weird the trip is... I feel like smoking it now a matter of fact :)


Active Member
It's not to hard to find. Online venders or local headshops/smoke shops usually carry it.

Around me they actually sell it in convenient stores, It's some shitty low quality stuff though.


You can take salvia by yourself, It helps you focus more in on the substance and the intimacy with yourself.
When tripping for the first time on anything its better to have people who are sharing that experience with you so you don't feel alone.

I have yet to trip alone, My fiance always wants to be right there with me :P
Some of my best mushroom trips were by myself. Its very peaceful. Then there are other times where you are with friends and you can't stop laughing.... those are always fun.
Alright I got a few short experiences with salvia to share :)

Me and my friend had a little salvia and decided to toke it one night. We both lit up at the same time, held it in for 30 seconds, then let it out. Then my friend turned to me and said, "alright now we have to wait for it to hit." I remember thinking in response to that, that like most other substances i've tried, itll probably take a good while to come on, that itd come on slowly, and that it was stupid to just wait for it. My friend said to me in a jokingly manner, "Dude, the bench is eating me," (we were on a bench in a park). I played along laughing saying it was eating me too. My laughing then suddenly turned to frantic yelling, as the bench then actually proceeded to begin eating me (similiar to the chomping pianos in mario 64... anyone?). Out of nowhere it stretched and wrapped around me and pulled me in. I spent the rest of the trip rolling around in a 2-dimensional world, and it was scary as shit

Another trip i watched soundwaves of people's voices showering out of their mouths in the form of particles... Afterwards I fell into the ceiling and met a man up there in a train station.

Ive tried salvia quite a few times, and the first 5 were extremely scary (but also enlightening experiences)... but you kind of learn to control it or something after a few times I think... If you know what your doing, I think sometimes its best to just be completely alone, instead of having a ton of people just watching you and laughing at you, that ruins it sometimes... The trick is being completely alone, and at peace, and instead of trying to be part of the trip, just relaxing and retreating into your mind... If that makes sense..


Well-Known Member
the needle thing is partial tollerance, if your tollerance is low enough your body falls into sleep paralysis, otherwise you end up in that prickly twilight zone...


Active Member
the needle thing is partial tollerance, if your tollerance is low enough your body falls into sleep paralysis, otherwise you end up in that prickly twilight zone...
That makes sense. I felt like closing my eyes and just laying there and very tired. I guess i need to build my tolerance to really enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. I felt like closing my eyes and just laying there and very tired. I guess i need to build my tolerance to really enjoy it.
You cant build a tolerance to salvia, the more you do it the less your tolerance is to it...the gift that keeps on giving ;)


Well-Known Member
I`m big at holding big tokes so I was quite confident I could launch the first time with this 40x Salvia I bought in London from a headshop.

Had a little glass pipe for the case, was putting a whole bowl full in this little pipe, at least 150-200mg I would think. Massive toke with massive wait the first time, I felt a pins and needles feeling converging with slight visuals, nothing too much just like what you would see closing your eyes very stoned. The pins and needles kept pushing me down on the bed too..

The best way I can describe Salvia: A syncronisation in my body starting from a taste/tingling in my mouth, moving onto my body as pins and needles and into my mind, where it presented itself as weak vibrating visuals, which were vibrating to the frequency of the tingling in my mouth. Like a taste splitting into 3 components and running wild on your body.

I don`t think this is the classic Salvia experience, its no breakthrough for sure... Tried this both times and got the same result, oh and uncontrollable laughter and a rise in body heat too... I`m sure the tokes I held should of been sufficent :)


Well-Known Member
lol when you pop through there will not be enough of you left to feel anything.