Salvia to Norway (illegal in 2 weeks)



I just read in the news that Salvia will be illegal in norway (now its perscripted, it will be classified as drugs) in 2 weeks. So what I'm asking for is a site that is legit, and not a scam.

Price/Quality/Shipping ++

Anyone got some? :D


Lolol, we can discuss wether it shud be illegal or not later :) now my question was if anyone had a site that was good?



Well-Known Member
you can get a prescription for it still after its made illegal? can you use ebay were you are? I think you can still get it off ebay for really cheap, you might be able to buy pounds of the leaves dry and you can make your own extract with methods found online maybe even be able to find them here.
or just order the seeds and grow your own. but make sure you get the correct strain. I think salvia is awsome


Yes it's ok.. and to answer you, now you can get it on perscription, but not after it gets illegal (they put it under drugs).. At this point I can still order from websites, but some of them are scam and bad quality, that is why I'm asking for a place that someone have used before.. I'll check out ebay tough! Thanks :) Hoping for more answers!! bump

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
Ebay no longer allows people to sell salvia on their site. Back in 04' they stopped it. I use to get it from a canadian company then sell on ebay till they banned it. Stuff is CRAZY. Mix with mushrooms for a crazier feeling ;) Took a 1/8 of mushrooms and smoked a bowl of salvia and I couldnt figure out which one I was on. Good luck with your search.


Well-Known Member
yea i was wondering about that cause i remeber long ago you could buy kilos(salvia) on ebay for cheap as hell but like i said long ago


Active Member
Du burde holde deg vekk fra det pisset der bror.Det fucker deg helt opp.Lol..Men foresten" Bestiller du frø fra nettet?jeg bestillte fra Nirvana 2 ganger,men de kom aldri..