Salvia...Yay or Nay?


Well-Known Member
Very true I don't smoke salvia anymore as it has scared the shit out of me every time I've done it. Last time I did it I felt like I had the top half and bottom half of my body but nothing connecting them together it was to much. That shit should be illegal and weed should be legal fucking stupid government. And it is definetly an entheogen, I am just not sure which deity it puts you into contact with.



Well-Known Member
The last time i smoked it.I felt like i was melting into my couch.While my friends who where not there where trying to pull me back out of the couch.It is really strange shit and should not be smoked or used like MJ.


Well-Known Member
i like it, don't get it much though. first time i had it i thought it would be jst like weed pretty much but holy shit was i surprised


Active Member
it wasnt for me i didnt have a good time. very ashy hits and the effects where not worth it. lasted no more then 10 minutes and i had sweat threw my shirt and jeans had to change cloths.


yea i had 2/3 of an 80mg pack....
really strong trip.. i didn't like the intensity..
i think i smoke to much....
neva dun acid but i'd imagin that it would be like it..


Well-Known Member
haha i think that i am immune. i have tried it at least 3-4 times and havent really felt shit. have taken multiple bong rips of 5x, 10x ect and barely felt anything. one time i said fuck it and took rips till i couldnt breath anymore (like 6) and didnt feel shit. gotten it from mul;tiple head shops as well. so idont know, everyone i know has gotten really fucked up by it.


Active Member
i really didnt wanna do it when i had it, i was pretty pressured into doing it, lol i wasnt scared tho, more amazed by what i was seeing, i thought every1 i could see was in a 2D world and my mate was tryna pull me in lol an di also tryed to at my hand at one point. i no u all say it only last for like 5 mins, ye the trip itself isnt very long, but i felt fuckin wierd for atleast half an hour after i took it!

mean mr. green

Active Member
The First time I smoked salvia I was taken by complete surprise. I thought like the experience would be like weed. Man, was I wrong. I felt like I had been ripped from one Universe and instantly brought to another that was unfathomable for me. A crazy experience that should be tried at least once. Make sure you are definitely not driving a car and are sitting down. You will fall on your face if you are not prepared, seen it happen.


Well-Known Member
The First time I smoked salvia I was taken by complete surprise. I thought like the experience would be like weed. Man, was I wrong. I felt like I had been ripped from one Universe and instantly brought to another that was unfathomable for me. A crazy experience that should be tried at least once. Make sure you are definitely not driving a car and are sitting down. You will fall on your face if you are not prepared, seen it happen.

Definatly needs to be tried ounce. Everything needs to be tried ounce. I dont regret it at all. it gives you a confidence boost after because you feel so uncabable that you feel like a super human when it comes down, its like entering a battle field of anxieties where you can fight to keep controll in a whole other state of mind. Im pretty much immune to it now, i only tripped the first time smoking it. Colors seemed neonified, and i almost felt like i was in a toy world. Definatly something that should be experienced, whats the qoute...

"Each time we face our fear, we gain strenght, courage, and confidence in the doing"

i totally support that:leaf:


You ever heard of pins and needles? This is what it feels like when tripping off the salv.

remember :leaf: + :-o = :bigjoint:

Salvia + :-o = :shock: