Same cut diff nutes "Different Weird High?

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I'm in love with this sour og cut I picked out from dna, I run it in straight ocean forest usen big bloom, grow big then Tiger, all I did diff. was super veg them much larger and I used "Beastie Blooms. Now the buds aren't as sticky or smelly or dense there much airier.. And the high is all up and spiritual and weird lol.. It lost all of its sedativeness but gained a more sativa high wtf? this ever happen to anyone else? Is it the nutes or maybe the plants were to big and sucked all the nitrogen out the soil, cause the plants yellowed much much earlier then normal.
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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
probably burned the roots with the beastie, it stopped producing and therefore, airy buds. not finishing properly left out most of the cannabanoids causing the high to be more uplifting


Well-Known Member
probably burned the roots with the beastie, it stopped producing and therefore, airy buds. not finishing properly left out most of the cannabanoids causing the high to be more uplifting
that would completely explain the difference between my blue cheeses.


Well-Known Member
Did you follow the feeding schedule for fox farm? Sounds like you didnt.... You said it turned yellow well before it should have? If you would have followed the schedule of the trio only you would have gotten good results. If you notice on the feeding schedule it has you adding Grow big mostly in the mid flower and only twice are you to use the beastie blooms throughout the whole cycle. So yeah, like chucky said, you burned em up. So its not the nutes, it was operator error.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Most likely explanation is confirmation bias. Just like wine tastes better when it comes out of a fancy bottle vs. a box even when both are the same wine. No way to know for sure without a controlled test. Wine geeks do it all the time, it can be done for weed too.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
umm what? Should this be our answer for everything then? naaaaaa
It is, in fact, the answer to any question concerning subjective evaluation. The existence of confirmation bias and the many other biases humans are subject to is firmly established and sticking your fingers in your ear and saying "naaaaaaa" won't make it go away.

It's not that hard, grind up a pile of each weed labeled "1" and "2" then leave the room and have someone else who isn't around your buds all day come in and roll five joints from each pile and label the joints "A", "B", "C" etc... writing down which joint comes from which pile. Now nobody knows which one is which, a.k.a. double blind. If the taste might give it away then put the buds and finished joints in a bag with some orange peel so they both smell/taste like orange peel. Now you can smoke the joints over the course of the next few days/whatever and write down which you think is which. If you don't get them all right then odds are you can't tell the difference. If you get them all right, do it again and see if you can get 18/20 because sometimes you can get 10/10 just by chance.

Remember, audiophiles will swear up and down they can hear the difference between ordinary wire and super special audiophile wire that costs hundreds of dollars a foot. The truth is that they do in fact hear a difference but it isn't because of the wires but because their own brains are fooling them.


Well-Known Member
I think you are using big words that you have no idea what they mean. He is not debating the fact that he knows what this problem is, he is not looking for confirmation , he generally doesnt fucking know. Are you copy/pasteing shit from


Well-Known Member
It is, in fact, the answer to any question concerning subjective evaluation. The existence of confirmation bias and the many other biases humans are subject to is firmly established and sticking your fingers in your ear and saying "naaaaaaa" won't make it go away.

It's not that hard, grind up a pile of each weed labeled "1" and "2" then leave the room and have someone else who isn't around your buds all day come in and roll five joints from each pile and label the joints "A", "B", "C" etc... writing down which joint comes from which pile. Now nobody knows which one is which, a.k.a. double blind. If the taste might give it away then put the buds and finished joints in a bag with some orange peel so they both smell/taste like orange peel. Now you can smoke the joints over the course of the next few days/whatever and write down which you think is which. If you don't get them all right then odds are you can't tell the difference. If you get them all right, do it again and see if you can get 18/20 because sometimes you can get 10/10 just by chance.

Remember, audiophiles will swear up and down they can hear the difference between ordinary wire and super special audiophile wire that costs hundreds of dollars a foot. The truth is that they do in fact hear a difference but it isn't because of the wires but because their own brains are fooling them.
Methinks you're wasting your time here, casting pearls before swine. They ridicule the scientific method, so nothing they say is worth the time it takes to read it.