same sex marriage hearing


Well-Known Member
this gay marriage shit is all about the money.just like all good liberals the homo's just want to put their hand into the rest of the public pocket yet AGAIN,sure.why not we pay for billion upon billion of dollars worth of medication for AID's patients every year.
why not give them someones social security money they saved for the future in the form of social security payments to some guys gay lover he married two days before he sure you liberals just love this fucking idea,after all you are not paying for it.if you were i assure you it would piss you off.
marriage has traditionaly has been between a man and a woman for the purposes of rearing child,what i mean by tradition i mean centurys upon centurys old.these things were arranged through the church through out most of history,
all of a suddon some homo's want to change centurys of human tradition and history cause they want a fucking welfare check.LOL and of course spit in the face of christians in the process..wonderfull idea.
you liberals amaze me.


Well-Known Member
We our a country based on law, not personal opinions.
It would have be unconstitutional for gay marriage not to come up for a vote.
(since the gov't is all up in the ass of marriage)

I've been with my girl for 9 yrs and living with for 8 yrs.
We both share the same view that people change over time, so marriage isn't in our cards.
If were together intill old age, then so be it.
Now, in the eyes of the gov't after 7 yrs, she has become my common wife.
This gives us both almost the same rights as a married couple(death rights/insurance)

Is there any difference how a gay couple is treated to a hetero couple after 7yrs?
If so, then that's the fight that needs to be fought, not the act of marriage.

we don't have a constitutional right to the institution of marriage.
We do however have a constitutional right to fair treatment.
i dont mean to be a smart ass or anything,but the constitution is dead joe.we dont have a RIGHT to jack shit other than what the government dictates to us.
unless of course you are a outlaw.:bigjoint: