sample bud has purp trics?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Your trics prolly arent purple, did you look at them with a scope? your flowers are just getting a lil purp color cuz of the cooler nights and lower tempatures...looks fucking pretty too by the way...and it looks about done...maybe a week left at the very most.
i dont have a good enough camera. But with a microscope u can see them. I was just woundering if anyone has noticed another color than amber,clear,cloudy?


Well-Known Member
i dont have a good enough camera. But with a microscope u can see them. I was just woundering if anyone has noticed another color than amber,clear,cloudy?
i've never seen anything with any other color than those 3.

and so far I can't see that on your plant either.

Buster 420

Active Member
I've noticed a few purple trichs this year. It must be a response to cold because that is when I first noticed them. I've seen the purple in both the stem and head.

If you have a quality camera, take a picture and then use the zoom to magnify the trichomes. Finally cut and paste into a new photo and post it.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
if your trics are really purp I would imagine it aint a bad thing....and plus your plant looks almost done so id say just keep watchin...
It's not that there all purp. There are spots were there will be a few of em. There are amber tichs and cloudy trichs also. thanks zig zag


Well-Known Member
True , but when I used the microscope i zoomed in and the color was present .
Though the resolution is low I copied your image, blew it up and didn't see any purple trichs. What I could see are cloudy. Could it be the magnifier you're using?

Brick Top

New Member
has anyone ever noticed a color other than amber,clear, and cloudy trics? what does this mean? my plant is changing color, don't have any pictures close up of trics, camera not good enough. Been feeding it Tiger Bloom and Mollassis.

I have ….. just once in some Seedsman Seeds White Widow.

There was an odd darker color that was in my case something between purple and ox blood.

It wasn’t in all the trichs but it would be in areas. It was like a thin wispy wavy pattern, sort of like veins, in the stalks and trichome heads and it showed up when all the rest were totally clear.


Active Member
We are seeing alot of color change with the weather. Is it possible your picking up color absorbsion or color reflection from the calixes?

this sounds right... think of it like this: your calyxes are purple, your trichs are clearish cloudy... amberish... whatever. the color from the calyxes is appearing in your trichs because they are acting similar to a fiber optic cable and taking the light reflected from the bud...which is a purple spectrum. this color then reflects through the trich and shows the trich as purple. here is a way to tell if they are truly purple... isolate one of the "purple" trichs... move your bud in a way so that you are not looking at you trichs straight on to your bud, kinda look at them from a different angle where you wont get the color reflection from the bud. look at it so that you are looking form the side and its standing straight out and away from all the bud and you should be able to tell the true color.
Exactly Bricktop, it's like its moving up the vein , When i turn the bud on its side to see the trichs from an angle insted of looking down from the top they are visably purpish pinkish.


Active Member
thats pretty cool then!! i wish i had some purple trichs haha

makes me wonder if it is some sort of mutation or disease that doesnt really affect the plant much... did you ever have any issues with your plant that did that bricktop?


Well-Known Member
I've seen purple/bloody trichs on my buds a few times. Indoors.
Besides clear/cloudy/amber, I also see pure white trichs often.

Brick Top

New Member
did you ever have any issues with your plant that did that bricktop?

From the day I popped the bean to the end I never had anything I could call any problem. I had the very end of one leaf tip burn slightly but that was my glitch for the entire mission but there was that odd wispy vein-like discoloration in some areas.
Ok … I never thought about it before but I wonder if it was some sort of a problem. I do not like even just slightly amber trichs so I will seldom let many of them accumulate before I harvest so it is not like I wait to long and risk some sort of drying out occurring but until just now I had noticed that the last few times I checked the trichs I seemed to find patches where there were only trichome stalks but no heads. It was not the usual interspersed sort of thing, it was like patches or areas had lost their trichome-heads.
Now I wonder if the discoloration might have been some sort of problem that caused the trichome-heads to dry up and fall off or just fall off or maybe shrivel up, though I could not see even a tiny lump suggesting that happened. It could explain good-sized areas/patches of headless trichome stalks but then maybe it was just a coincidence and those sorts of areas had always been there but I just never happened to find any until about the last week of flowering.


Active Member
possible for it to be due to low humidity? maybe they had not formed properly because of this? i wonder if anyone else has noticed this happening, i wil will check google in a little bit...