sampling buds...


Well-Known Member
I picked off a couple little buds off my girls to sample them...and i was wondering what a good way to quick dry is? if i use a hair dryer on low or on the cold setting would that be an ok way? thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nope lol, under a small lamp for a while, like a desktop lamp, turning the bud over until its dry enough to grind and smoke. I never do this though, as harsh weed is shit to smoke man, best waiting till its all ready and cured.



Well-Known Member
on top of a reflector thats on (but shame on you for sampling)...people will swear by microwave but ive never trusted it...


Well-Known Member
i know its gonna be just trying to find out where i am in the process...they have another month or so...but the hairs are just starting to i wanted to get a quick sample of how the quality is coming along...and honestly...they just smell so damn good! Lol so does anyone know the microwave method? or have a link to the thread?


Well-Known Member
microwave does suck though. put in brown paper bag roll it up tight and put on top of your ballast for couple of hours. hang in front of your wood stove. hang in front of your oven with door open set at 180

use a vaporizor and you wont have to wait at all. sampling is a must. just remember the high will be quick and short. so you only have a small qindow to 'guesstimate' how the bud will be all finished up.
good smoke to ya

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
sampling a premature bud, is like eating a green banana or coconut. Its edible, but a waste.
Wait till the calyx's turn or invest in a microscope. No need to "sample" just pick it when its ripe. Every plant in the same genotype will have a different sample, so whats the point ?
Uncured is garbage, any way you look at it

Big P

Well-Known Member
best way for fast dry is this

put in you oven at 175 deg f for 10 - 20 min untill crispy

u wont lose potency much and you will get blazed within 20 min:mrgreen:

u wanna use little peices as they dry fast or cut up a large bud.


Well-Known Member
i was just thinking...i have a heat gun that i can set as low as 50 degrees...would that dry out my buds? Lol


Well-Known Member
Wait till the calyx's turn
turn into what?!? calyx's dont turn...pistils do

my 2 cents...i micro my casualties(what i call premie buds i smoke when out). i take a glass dish put a dry napkin in the bottom. i place the fresh nugs on the dry napkin and cover the dish witha damp paper towel. i nuke the dish on pwr 4 for 1 min incriments. after the first run the napkin must be changed as it will be wet, there will also be condensation in the dish, wipe this away as well. the bottom napkin should always remain dry and the cover towel moist. after a few 1 minute runs i switch to 30 second runs as it gets dry. i usually do 2-3 1min runs and 2-3 30 second runs.


Well-Known Member
ma just study that those tiny buds could be sweet sticky buds in a month and u then have to dry and cure

but in the end you will wish u didnt sample those buds and had let them grow
because they gonna be so good you would wish u had more ....... and would wish that alll weed would be like your fully mature buds..


Well-Known Member
i hung mine near a portable heater... was harsher, then i threw some in a shoebox for 3-4 days, and into a jar for 2-3 and it was 100% better