Samsung LED Grow lights from Alibaba?


Well-Known Member
At higher voltages electronics function more efficiently. Say at 12 volts you are getting 85% power conversion, meaning 85% of the power (watts) is used to make light. At 120 volts the efficiency is say something like 95%. When a bulb runs more efficiently, there is less wear on it and it lasts longer.
That's overdriving it?


Active Member
Haha....I find it assuming to taunt smart the Alibaba LEDs are 100% fine...just overdrive them and they will perform better than the Samsung's.

Anyone know what a magnatron actually is? Don't worry, no spoilers, this is an open response question....:sleep:


Well-Known Member
I advise any newbies reading this thread NOT to consider dismantling their spare microwave oven to replace their current lighting setup with a naked magnetron tube in their tent.
this guy knows how to overdrive a led.

and here he explains a magnetron.
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