San Fransico GIANTS fan beaten into a coma, for going to a L.A. Dodgers game wearing


Well-Known Member
his bright orange 'GIANTS' baseball jersey..

apparently a pair of 'L.A. Dodgers' fans seen the guy and seen that he was wearing the LA Dodgers rival teams jersey (San Fransico GIANTS).. and they just simply decided to begin to beat the living shit out of the guy..

just another prime/perfect example of people not using their fucking brains before acting. But, I wouldn't expect the two attackers to have much of a brain to begin with. I mean, really?!?! Your going to beat the shit out of someone.. simply because they're wearing a different teams jersey?!?! That's the lamest and most rediculous thing I've ever heard of!

I mean, the victim is a E.M.T. (paramedic) and has 2 kids. I don't know if either of his kids were with him at the time of the incident.. but rather they were or weren't there.. it still doesn't make it right to do what they did to this guy.

Anyone else heard about this story? Not sure when it actually happened.. wait! Yes I do..

I believe it happened during the opening Dodgers game.. in L.A.?? Not 100% on that though..

Either way, its lame.. and its sad that in todays society.. we have these types of people roaming around among the rest of us.

Anyhow, I was looking for more information on this story.. I'm mainly just wanting to know if they have any idea of who was responsible for doing the beating.. they need to catch the person(s) responsible.. stick them into a cage... then stick 2 or 3 MMA Cage Fighters in there with them.. give them a taste of their own medicine. ;)



New Member
I was at a Washington Redskins game and some fruitcake thought it was OK to wear a Dallas jersey. I beat that 9 year old to within an inch of his life.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sad when you need to carry a loaded weapon with you to a baseball game.......This is a good example of why I'm armed most of the time anywhere I go nowadays......


Well-Known Member
you want to see the hooliganism surrounding english/european football!

much worse!!


Well-Known Member
I watched that story on cnn i believe when they catch the two dudes that beat him down will b charged with attempted murder...which i think is great..when they get to prison theyll get what comin to them trust me.


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up......really guys? Its a fucking game....people hitting a damn ball with a bat......jeez

Total Head

Well-Known Member
yawn...just another yankee/redsox or (insert random sport rivalry) tale. hardcore rivalry fights are the norm in a lot of places. i once watched a some sox fans tow a yank fans car into a lake. i saw a yankee fan take a pickaxe from his car to make his point against a sox fan. i have seen endless barroom brawls, swat invasions, schoolyard fights, house eggings, the list goes on forever. the op must not be into sports very much to raise an eyebrow over some silly shit like this. i agree it's obnoxious but baseball is serious shit around here, i don't know where you come from. that's like page a15 shit if it makes the papers at all.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but when the powers, the guys with the authority, the ones giving you your rights and freedoms, when they go and start invading countries left right and center to try and get evceryone to play their game of politics and life, the concept of beating the shit out of someone for not supporting your side, well it stands to reason that mentality will trickle into the population :D

still fucked up though, even more fucked up is the comment about carrying a gun to a game though imo. Not least because all a man needs to defend himself is a stick, doesn't take a gun and some bullets to defend yourself, unless you're just a bit feeble and whatnot :D

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but when the powers, the guys with the authority, the ones giving you your rights and freedoms, when they go and start invading countries left right and center to try and get evceryone to play their game of politics and life, the concept of beating the shit out of someone for not supporting your side, well it stands to reason that mentality will trickle into the population :D

still fucked up though, even more fucked up is the comment about carrying a gun to a game though imo. Not least because all a man needs to defend himself is a stick, doesn't take a gun and some bullets to defend yourself, unless you're just a bit feeble and whatnot :D

i take it you've never been to LA lol. it's true though. it's not so much an american thing as it is a masculine alpha male/team mentality. as another poster pointed out, sports in europe are not to be taken lightly, either. ever seen a brazillian soccer match? those people are fucking SERIOUS. sports really bring out the mob mentality in people. we're only human.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Just another reason Sports are detrimental to the development of intellect.
who needs brains when you can just step on the guy's throat? it's messed up, but even in today's day and age, when brawn goes up against brains, brawn still almost always wins if the conflict goes on long enough. just look at america's educational system compared to the rest of the world. we might be getting dumber, but we have a bunch of self-entitled yahoos with guns. it gets ya further than you think.


Active Member
Not real dodger fans, just some fools.
This did in fact happen on opening day 3/31/2011.
It happened in the parking lot after 2-1 victory over giants. Brian Stow was punched from behind and he was unconscious before he even hit the floor face first (according to his paramedic buddy who was also there) and then severely beaten. His kids were not with him at this specific game, The 2 men are not yet caught but there is now a $100,000 reward for them,
police say so far only 2 ppl asked about the $$ but got some tips


Well-Known Member
Not real dodger fans, just some fools.
This did in fact happen on opening day 3/31/2011.
It happened in the parking lot after 2-1 victory over giants. Brian Stow was punched from behind and he was unconscious before he even hit the floor face first (according to his paramedic buddy who was also there) and then severely beaten. His kids were not with him at this specific game, The 2 men are not yet caught but there is now a $100,000 reward for them,
police say so far only 2 ppl asked about the $$ but got some tips
man thats sad. those guys need an attempted murder charge for sure

i cannot understand how people get so caught up in a ball game that they beat someone up just because he likes the other team. i can barely watch a whole baseball game, let alone get involved enough to jump someone over it lol


Active Member
Very few people deserve life in prison.. I would never wish it upon someone i've never met.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Kinda funny story, I was at a Stanford VS SJSU football game back in the day and one of the people in the group I was tailgating with went off on this little kid.

We had these shirts with a Spartan bending over a Tree and pounding it. They said "Fuck Stanford" on them.

Anyway, he runs up to this kid and calls him an assortment of names in front of two generations of family and friends, finally capping it off with a "You little fucking Cunt!"

I mean, you can hurt a person with your fists for a minute, or you can damage their inner psyche for their entire lives. I've always said I could do more damage with words than my hands.

As a lifetime Giants fan, the kind of person who felt the ground shake in '89 against Oakland. Who remembers Barry's bobble in Game 4 that changed the series. I know the animosity between Giant and Dodger fans. This latest violence is sickening and I'm actually pretty on edge about it. I will continue to sport my Giants gear but if someone in blue and silver gets within an arm length of me I'm done taking chances with douchebags that like LA.

Fuck LA anyway. Bunch of ass holes living out in a desert draining the Colorado river dry anyway.