Sannies Seeds Kolosus


Well-Known Member
Hi, I don't buy from Sannies anymore because they shafted me pretty good. Which is sad because I really like their seeds. This is the last of their seeds I had. I put it into flowering on 3/2.
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Don't be hating.


Well-Known Member
Yeah what happened with Sannie? I've ordered a couple of times and the 1 issue I had was handed perfectly...


Well-Known Member
The total lack of interest is discouraging :(
*** Not a troll or lecture. Just feel like posting a long diatribe to share some thoughts with no "hating" or other ill will towards yourself. Please keep this in mind if you bother to read the rest ***

I'll play devil's advocate on this for you ... many of us love Sannie. Most who've had issues or whatever at least respect him. Enough so to not air dirty laundry or implied insults against.

The bean market is fraught with issues. Heck, even the translation problems at times in dealing with Sannie can be frustrating to the point of confusion and argument.

So a grow journal on one of the well known strains from his end without much more than a negative introduction or supporting details is just depressing. Fans of his work probably are silently hating and wishing some bad karma for the lack of consideration shown here.

Again, this is one of the ego problems of this whole thing. You have to have the ego to do this. Especially in most places or natural selection will help you find the inside of a cage or worse. But this constant internal strife about problems in dealing with the delivery of things like beans, etc is usually more about not understanding that sometimes it is going to fail. Hell, his shift into requiring confirmation of delivery was long overdue based on the interactions I've had.

So, I'm not trolling you here. Calling you out. Asking you to turn this thread into justification for how things degraded between you and him. Just figured you asked an implied question here.

More pedantic yet is the fact that grow journals are a dime a dozen. Only so many hours in the day. When you run into one that more or less is "here's some pictures without any explanation of technique, environment used, challenges, expectations, request for comment, with a topping of negativity" you'll pretty much get even die-hard strain/breeder fans moving on to something else.

Frankly being able to see his work outside of popping into opengrow is always nice. Funny thing about a lot of his work is that most of the people who run it dont tend to share it out as much as other high volume companies. But anymore with bean makers popping up like dandelions after a good rain, even his work gets lost in the scatter.

I took a few to see that you had a problem with delivery. At least this is the best I could determine. I've had a toe-to-toe over similar but it was simply a known risk. Not only on the idea of it getting diverted/stopped/lost/etc. But knowing that I didn't take the time to be very careful in how I translated my inquiry into resolving the same.

Like yourself, me and mine have had more success just chalking things up to the cost of doing business and proving ourselves by dropping advanced replacement orders well over a single pack to resolve miscommunication. Yes, I understand that not everyone can simply drop another couple of grand in his lap to prove you're not trying to scam him. And yes, I was disappointed at one point of having many orders placed of varying quantities before running into the "I think you're scamming me" response to a failed delivery.

*Shrug* As a side note she is lovely and your photos are above par. And I tend to lurk mainly and scribed first day when this popped up hoping that maybe just growing her out would imbue some retraction of your opening statement.



Well-Known Member
Well, the thread was really about the plants and not about Sannies customer service, but here is the short version. I paid for seeds that I never received and wasn't given a refund although delivery was guaranteed. That is how I define shafted. Well, to be fair, I did receive 8 out of 12 seeds. Two were crushed and two were missing, but it took months to even get those. To all of you guys that love Sannies, I agree that their seed stock is very good or I wouldn't be posting these pics.


Well-Known Member
As far as my grow method is concerned, I am a simple person. I grow my plants in 5 gallon buckets with General Hydroponics 4" air stones in them, General Hydroponics 6" net pots on top to hold the plants, General Hydroponics nuts using the Lucas Formula, and Humboldt Ginormous. This grow was a bit messed up because I bought 2 180 watt Blackstar LEDs to use and they just weren't cutting it, so I switched to a 400 watt HPS a week or 2 ago. Oh, and I have one of those buckets that produces CO2 for you.

Props to Sannies for their excellent seed stock.


Well-Known Member
Day 59 under 12/12. Comments welcome. I know they are not too frosty, but I'm hoping that it tastes good and gets me real high.
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Here are some buds with a measuring tape so you can get an idea of the size.
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