Sannie's SugarPunch

Anyone done the western union, and what the total was with shipping?

I had trouble with trying to pay Via Western Union,Online with both methods they offer , Shipping would depend on your location, but Western Union fess are $5 for bank to bank transfer , and still takes 5days for the transfer to occur , with C.C $10 and 3 days for the transfer to occur . They say if you go to one of there locations and pay cash instant transfer will occur. but don't know what those fees would be ,but will let you know going to go try that today.
thanks a ton! guess ill be doing it in person, i cant wait. plz let me know how it goes for ya, thanks again

So yes went down to local western Union (30 MILES) this morning with cash and the fee was $7. for a 123.00 order , and was again rejected . for what reason I don't know . So I would like to know who has used western union here for the payment option. I am not comfortable using his only other method of payment.
I feel the same don't want to just stuff a envelope , but do want the order I made. Maybe its something I did on my end as far as filling out the forms for sending ,but I did try at least 5 times either CC or bank to bank transfer

that's why im asking here if anyone has made there order Via western Union.?
I do cash in mail for sannies all the time no problem. He always receives my funds and ships the order within a week from me sending the envelope out. I usually just grab a pack or two for each order when sending cash just in case of the small chance he doesn't receive it (which has never happened). Cannazon is a good option too though!
So yes went down to local western Union (30 MILES) this morning with cash and the fee was $7. for a 123.00 order , and was again rejected . for what reason I don't know . So I would like to know who has used western union here for the payment option. I am not comfortable using his only other method of payment.
The Western Union deal was a pain in ass!!!! I tried 5 times with 2 diffrent cards online with no success!!! I did get it to go through at the local Western Union office though. I would have sent cash in mail, but figured they would be out of stock before they received money.
I have sent cash in the mail many times and NEVER had a single problem... Just dropped my envelop to Sannie's in the mail yesterday. I sent it regular mail this time... If you want, you can send it USPS Registered mail but it will take about 16 days to get there, I know from experience... I like sending cash, no financial record of the transaction... A little cleaner for me.
I would have sent cash in mail, but figured they would be out of stock before they received money.

I think that if you place an order online sannie puts the packs you ordered aside thus saving them for you until your money arrives. I say this b/c there was a guy on opengrow who ordered a strain and it sold out before his money got there and he ended up getting the seeds he ordered.
On top of that sannie posted some pics of his pregnant sugarpunch mamas on OG and it looked as if he would be getting lots and lots of seeds out of them. Possibly thousands. I don't think SP will sell out for quite a while.
damnit been waiting on the sp for a year now and figures i just today sent off the cash for my dynasty gear.....shit bet i could prob send sannie a email and figure something out as he has always went above and beyond for me.