Pepe le skunk
Well-Known Member
What freebies should you ask for from sannies? Anyone try them yet? He listed a blueberry cross and was wondering if that or another was worth it?
What freebies should you ask for from sannies? Anyone try them yet? He listed a blueberry cross and was wondering if that or another was worth it?
I'd go for the Chemistry...stay away from the jackberry crosses. Those are nice to look at, but lacking in potency.
I'd go for the Chemistry...stay away from the jackberry crosses. Those are nice to look at, but lacking in potency.
The purple pheno with jackberry may be lacking in potency but the green isn't. I grew out jackberry f4 with the green pheno and it was good.
Have you tried the green pheno's with jackberry or any of the crosses?
Two jackberry/mad scientist freebies finished fast [8 weeks] with hard sticky golfball nugs. Smoke is absolutely pedestrian. Made brownies out of most of it.
i just got the news...out for delivery!..after i did this last night..View attachment i gotta make more room for sannies!
I was just doing a little reading/research over on Sannie's site and here is what I found...
"With a flowering time from around the 9-10 weeks she is a perfect hybrid, she is a strong growing plant. 9 plants op 1 m2 with around one week vegetation time should do the trick, more plants you need less veg time and less plants need more veg time. Sugar Punch is a good yielding plant with some of the best top quality smoke you will have ever experienced." - Third paragraph down, directly under the pictures.
One week veg times seems a little short to me, especially from seed. Is it a typo? Did he mean one month? Or is there something I don't know...???
Keizer Soze