Santa Fe School Shooter

How about if we start by passing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 act? The bill bans the sale of semi-automatic weapons with the following features:

  • Rifles that can accept a detachable magazine would be banned from having a pistol grip, a forward grip, a threaded barrel, a barrel shroud, a grenade or rocket launcher, or a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.

  • Pistols would not be allowed to have a fixed magazine with more than 10 rounds. They would also be banned from having a threaded barrel, a second pistol grip, a barrel shroud, and the ability to load a magazine at some location other than the grip.

  • Shotguns would be banned from having a detachable magazine and a fixed magazine would not be allowed to have more than five rounds. The same features banned for pistols and rifles would also be banned on shotguns.
Of course it won't go anywhere because every Republican is in the pocket of the NRA.
I'm actually open to some of us. But this is a good example of why the gun argument Always goes in circles. Nothing above would have stopped what happened today.
I'm actually open to some of us. But this is a good example of why the gun argument Always goes in circles. Nothing above would have stopped what happened today.
How do you know? We live in a society with practically no restrictions on gun ownership. Agree that it's only a start. We have to start. The objective of the law is to restrict access to certain types of weapons. What harm is there in doing that?

Personally, I like Canada's gun laws.
When I was 12 or 13 you could buy hand guns on the street for as little as $50. I saw a lot of guns for sale back then and could have had as many as I wanted. I doubt much has changed since. We had gun laws back then too.

I bought a 1911 model .45 semi automatic with an acid washed out serial number for $150 in 10th grade in high school in 1983.

Handguns were illegal to possess in New Jersey then. And crimes with guns automatically counted as strike 3 felonies at the time.

Regulations will help but a killer will acquire what they want regardless.
The CIA's MKULTRA program is behind these school shootings. They seek out troubled kids and coerce them into these acts via a combination of hypnosis and drugs.