• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/


desert dude

Well-Known Member
Okay but typically VPN software resides on company/government issued laptop..so how did she access with her own personal servers..unless she somehow had access (software) to the government network on her own personal devices..there's special login protocol you cannot do on personal devices..sorry it still doesn't make sense unless she was going in via government network then cc'ing herself to her personal email..I mean it's a matter of just using the device designated for government business only..so I'm going with lazy..nothing subversive about it.

You're a cutie, Sky, but you are hopelessly out of your depth about this. Your best approach is to just say, "It's a war on women".

"Best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."


Well-Known Member
Sweet pea I'm an administer here
No one has contacted me about buying accounts to have Hilary's campaign be boosted politically wise

Remove the tin foil hat it's ok
Not everything is a gigantic conspiracy theory in life
Yeah just like the government spying on everyone, starting wars with falsified intelligence (remember Sadam had yellowcake and Assad used chemical weapons on video in front of our inspectors, incubator babies, Tonkin incident), and false-flag terror striking their own country. Those were all "gigantic conspiracy theory". WAS. How many times do us "crazy" guys have to be right before you start believing us? Why do you guys keep letting them do this to you? Outrage...complicity...outrage....complicity...outrage... it's so god damn obvious what is going on. Expansion of federal jurisdiction is killing the country, every time they get caught red-handed being proper totalitarians, they get a sound-bite of Trump saying something stupid and cherry-picked playing on the news like a broken record. Trump has been a gift, he's kept so many minutes of news reporting off of Clinton's investigation and other high-crimes of Obama's administration. Look at the recent Blumenthal memos that were just declassified, I already posted them hosted at the FBI's server. They are real cables. We killed hundreds of thousands of Libyans to keep France a shadow colonial power in Africa. We told the dead soldiers that were in the embassy in Benghazi that they were fighting against dictatorship and liberating the country. Gaddafi was knife raped by paid thugs, and Hillary was seen wringing her hands and laughing about it. Knife raped. Killed by being stabbed repeatedly in the anus. That isn't very funny if you have a beating heart in your chest. Liberals love rape though, refugees welcome!


Well-Known Member
Yeah just like the government spying on everyone, starting wars with falsified intelligence (remember Sadam had yellowcake and Assad used chemical weapons on video in front of our inspectors, incubator babies, Tonkin incident), and false-flag terror striking their own country. Those were all "gigantic conspiracy theory". WAS. How many times do us "crazy" guys have to be right before you start believing us? Why do you guys keep letting them do this to you? Outrage...complicity...outrage....complicity...outrage... it's so god damn obvious what is going on. Expansion of federal jurisdiction is killing the country, every time they get caught red-handed being proper totalitarians, they get a sound-bite of Trump saying something stupid and cherry-picked playing on the news like a broken record. Trump has been a gift, he's kept so many minutes of news reporting off of Clinton's investigation and other high-crimes of Obama's administration. Look at the recent Blumenthal memos that were just declassified, I already posted them hosted at the FBI's server. They are real cables. We killed hundreds of thousands of Libyans to keep France a shadow colonial power in Africa. We told the dead soldiers that were in the embassy in Benghazi that they were fighting against dictatorship and liberating the country. Gaddafi was knife raped by paid thugs, and Hillary was seen wringing her hands and laughing about it. Knife raped. Killed by being stabbed repeatedly in the anus. That isn't very funny if you have a beating heart in your chest. Liberals love rape though, refugees welcome!
Why oh why did your parents buy you a lap top for xmas?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
You guys are so god damn dumb. Every time I light you up with facts, it's "You're gay and have a poop butt", or "I'm not reading that". Hopeless shills upset that someone with a brain came to break up their echo chamber. Sorry, the democratic party probably could have found a decent candidate, hell O'Mally isn't even bad. You guys just picked a particularly funny horse to ride this time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, persona management online as per the state sponsored program, is called OPERATION METAL GEAR. It's like they're just screwing with us now. I can give you some resources if you wanted to start a false-persona hub. Here's some experimental neural-modeling protocol that can deep-learn how to make political responses. It actually painted my avatar picture after deep-learning the style of one painting and transposing it onto another. I don't think you guys are aware of how capable someone can be with a computer, especially intelligence services and contractors.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
You guys are so god damn dumb. Every time I light you up with facts, it's "You're gay and have a poop butt", or "I'm not reading that". Hopeless shills upset that someone with a brain came to break up their echo chamber. Sorry, the democratic party probably could have found a decent candidate, hell O'Mally isn't even bad. You guys just picked a particularly funny horse to ride this time.
And I suppose the GOP has a superb lineup, right? The GOP's only hope is that Hillary is discredited by the FBI...I smell fear coming from the GOP side.



Well-Known Member
Yes, persona management online as per the state sponsored program, is called OPERATION METAL GEAR. It's like they're just screwing with us now. I can give you some resources if you wanted to start a false-persona hub. Here's some experimental neural-modeling protocol that can deep-learn how to make political responses. It actually painted my avatar picture after deep-learning the style of one painting and transposing it onto another. I don't think you guys are aware of how capable someone can be with a computer, especially intelligence services and contractors.

And yet the guy with the foil hat seems to be looking into fake personas..


Well-Known Member
And yet the guy with the foil hat seems to be looking into fake personas..
No, you don't understand how that trope works. I wear the tin foil hat if I'm actually crazy. I just proved that I'm absolutely correct. That's like calling a doctor a "foil hat wearing nutcase" for successfully completing a surgery.

And I suppose the GOP has a superb lineup, right? The GOP's only hope is that Hillary is discredited by the FBI...I smell fear coming from the GOP side.

The GOP is a huge joke right now. Don't take my word for it. They've disowned their front-runner. Does that make sense? Their official candidates are Bush and Cruz, and no one that isn't being paid by a super PAC would go near either with a 10 foot pole.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to get too excited for the whole notion of Trump not being an establishment candidate though. He may not be political establishment, but he is financial establishment, which has always been the real government. Checking his campaign financials was gravely concerning for this reason and you can check this yourself:
Donald Trump as like two spreadsheet pages of maturing loan obligations to the largest banks in the world that are all closing in the next 10 years. Most of them are listed in the ">$50,000,000" category. He could still be a party candidate fugazi.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm not that crazy. Here:

And this exact same methodology is applied to her campaign either paying websites to scrub information, or pay some stooge a few pennies to derail the thread. The website doesn't matter, there are just search results posted on a central forum where "job opportunities" are listed and independent contractors fill them. Sometimes they will purchase inactive accounts of old users to pose as someone that patronizes the particular site as to not raise suspicion that the content is being sponsored. Don't be thick, you really think every opinion you read on a forum is impartial? You really think that the powers that be think online trolls are a joke anymore? 4chan and 8chan built Donald Trump and are managing his campaign in real-world terms. You think Clinton isn't scrambling to find a countermeasure? Bernie has Reddit locked down, we all know that, these are more important to the outcome of the race than the primaries.

Now I just detailed the methodology and real-world examples of what you are considering to be fringe-nonsense. This is real life, kiddos, you don't actually know everything that's going on behind the scenes.

People are scared of the Hill because she's a known liar. You are trusting a known liar. Her husband signed the Defense of Marriage Act and she celebrates the gay marriage decision. White water. Watergate. Cattlegate. NAFTA. Glass-Steagal. Vincent Foster. Her husband's history of sexual assault. Where are you finding any shred of credibility and why are you looking so hard for it?
How the hell is it sexual assault if it's between two consenting adults, who - you know - consented? I mean I really hate to ask this but are you a virgin and have never had a sexual encounter to the point where you consider touching a woman sexual assault?

If you're talking about Juanita Broaddrick, her story has changed so much over the years and she perjured herself. Kathleen Willey gave false information to the FBI, the only way she dodged perjury charges was Starr gave her immunity for her testimony (huge suspect move by Starr). The only one he may have actually assaulted was Paula Jones.

Why are you so fixated on Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct when there are a handful of other politicians who've actually raped, assaulted (both physically and sexually), and forced abortions on their mistresses and wives? Are you jealous of him?

People can change their opinion on something; it'd be fucking stupid not to. So, Bill Clinton signs DOMA, what, twenty years ago nearly? Why can you not change your opinion in just about twenty years? Are you that dogmatic?

Also neural networks are awesome and not part of a government conspiracy, please.


Well-Known Member
Did you read that guardian article man? It says neural networks are being employed. Check out LuaRocks, it's state sponsored.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read. Jealous? Are you real? "Sexual Misconduct", like what anyone would be fired for if you were to get a hummer under the counter while flipping burgers. Clearly guilty of that. If there are that many false-positive claims, you can kind of start to get a sense of what is going on. That's like your house being absolutely wreathed in smoke and you won't leave because you are dead convinced that there is no fire at fault.


Well-Known Member
You guys are so god damn dumb. Every time I light you up with facts, it's "You're gay and have a poop butt", or "I'm not reading that". Hopeless shills upset that someone with a brain came to break up their echo chamber. Sorry, the democratic party probably could have found a decent candidate, hell O'Mally isn't even bad. You guys just picked a particularly funny horse to ride this time.
You're crazy and have a poop butt
and I'm not reading that


Well-Known Member
I sound nuts? There are people supporting Hillary god damn Clinton on this same page and you are calling me nuts. Seriously, I meant to bring attention to the tactics she uses along with other candidates right now. There are rooms full of campaign analysts right now being paid good money to spitball ideas for 8 hours a day. Why does anything I say sound insane? I just provided several examples of just such a thing being done. You are crazy for dismissing them. This cat might not be a paid shill, but it really seems to me like the only people willing to defend Hillary to the hilt like that must have an ulterior motive. Look at all these guys being thrown out of Jeb! Bush and Marco Rubio rallies. Obviously being paid by the candidate they are trying to "interrupt" by shouting trite nonsense about the Illuminati at them. They were placed there to make the candidates emulate Trump's successful culture of outrage and are failing miserably. And that chick that Jeb hired to disrupt that Trump conference, come on. These guys are all playing dirty now.

You realized in the actual detail about the Lewinski case, Bill Clinton plead guilty to charges of sexual misconduct for "inserting cigars into Ms. Lewinski's vagina" inside the oval office while he was expected at a conference? Bill Clinton is gangs of New York, Boss Tweed style fucked in the head. Look at his flight records, 12 trips to convicted child predator Jeffery Epstein's private island full of child prostitutes, some as young as 12. I'm not making this up, you have google in front of you. Hillary is aware of all of this and hasn't called for Bill's arrest. Two tier justice is the air she breathes at this point. I do not put anything past that woman. I can bet you that if she absolutely can't win under any circumstance, she'll just drop dead and they'll blame that recent bump she took to the melon.
you're insane, queef.