Well-Known Member
If it's consensual. Are you making a list?What about sadomasochists...?![]()
If it's consensual. Are you making a list?What about sadomasochists...?![]()
All I see in this administration is Pure Evil. if there's a Satan Trump is it.
religion is more powerful than you imagine, and it's not only the weak minded who fall prey to it. as little as 100 years ago, there were very isolated areas where religious leaders held sway, there was no other source of information, letters took weeks to travel coast to coast, and months to travel across an ocean. newspapers were small, had limited circulation, and i would imagine, some of the same problems as now, like owners who use them to make their own political or social points, instead of offering unbiased reporting. Religion was a steadying force in peoples lives. just be glad that we're not dealing with this 100 years would be like P.T. Barnum running for president, with Tom Thumb as his VP, and Zippy the Pinhead as his AGReligion was created to control the weak minded.
so is love, and hate, and politicsReligion is a virus.
I'll always have your back, Schuylaar.if i could get close enough a dagger is all i'd need..right in the jugular.
Fellow recovering alcoholic, here. I like you more and more every day Roger.i haven't been dead as far as i'm aware, could have happened for a few minutes when i was a practicing alcoholic, a long time ago.
i've sort of formed my own religion, that revolves around reincarnation and karmic balance. it only involves me, and i actively try to not recruit new members. the only requirement for my religion, don't do things that make you ashamed. if you can look at yourself in the mirror and not think about something you shouldn't have done that day, that was a petty good day.
he's son of Satan, Mammon..god of greed.All I see in this administration is Pure Evil. if there's a Satan Trump is it.
where did the energy from your brain go? there's energy there just like a light bulb with the electric cut. the light remains.I always seem to hone-in on this topic for some reason. Nice to see you again Roger. Seems you migrate toward these topics as well.
For those just getting caught up to speed I am the anomaly who's been dead 6:47(that's 6 minutes, 47 seconds) and am alive to tell the tale. Religion and Philosophical Belief types tend to find me threatening because I've been dead before and I know what lies beyond death. I am on another forum with 26 others who've had post-mortem experiences and are alive to tell the tale as well.
So either one of two things is happening here: 1) Jesus is NOT the only person to walk this planet who's croaked and come back. 2) There are 27 Jesus-types on this planet as we speak and that makes 27 current living Messiah's.
It ain't that BIG a deal. Religion and Philosophical Belief only work for those who haven't flat-lined before. There are so many stories of people seeing Jesus and The Lord and Angels and Cherubs and Holy Ghosts having had a "near death" experience. Near-death and Dead for 6:47 are two different things. I didn't have a near death experience. I was DEAD, period, and the defibrulator brought me back into my body.
For those still chasing spiritual country club belief systems: You are Human. Death is NOT a Human experience. It is an "energetic" experience. It is such an energetic experience that no Human mind can conceive it because it is unrecognizable to a Human mind. Heavens and Hells and Muslims and Buddhists are Human thoughts and conceptions. People create belief systems. Belief systems are NOT capable of conceiving children.
You can't transmit something you haven't got, silly Humans. Only those with The BIG Picture... know what's really over there. Have a nice day.
i'm thinking Bullshit Barn- she's a large girl i'm going to say size 16.i just wonder what she's going to do after trump gets kicked out of office. what company in the entire world would want her associated with them? Liars-R-Us....Hypocrisy Inc....the Bullshit Barn?
where does making racist taunts towards native americans fall in your religion?i haven't been dead as far as i'm aware, could have happened for a few minutes when i was a practicing alcoholic, a long time ago.
i've sort of formed my own religion, that revolves around reincarnation and karmic balance. it only involves me, and i actively try to not recruit new members. the only requirement for my religion, don't do things that make you ashamed. if you can look at yourself in the mirror and not think about something you shouldn't have done that day, that was a petty good day.
This one works great to communicate with republican and democratic christians who even just come close to hinting Trump is Satan. Especially compared to rational arguments, this they understand:All I see in this administration is Pure Evil. if there's a Satan Trump is it.
all kinds of shit IS happening..if trump was satan, all kinds of shit would be happening, because hell would have already frozen over...not from the irony, but because the furnace would never have been completed, because he would refuse to pay them to finish the job
So is humanity.Religion is a virus.