Sativa and Indica Stem difference?


Well-Known Member
i have a sativa-heavy hybrid (PPP) and an Indica-heavy hybrid (Big Bud) growing side-by-side. Same reservoir, same light - everything the same. No surprise that the Indica grew significantly faster but I was surprised by the difference in stem strength.

The PPP stem is what I'm used to - a very thick and strong solid stem which would be difficult to cut through. Whereas the Big Bud is nearly hollow and breaks much easier - in fact - it is easy to squeeze the thickest part of stem between thumb and forefinger and press together. There is no way in hell you'd do that with the PPP (unless you had a grip like a vise)!

I don't have much experience with Indicas or Big Bud and was wondering if the stem attributes are because of it being an Indica, Big Bud or something else?

Anyone have any ideas?