Sativa Indica??

Does Sativa and Inca strains differ in leaf color during the growth process?Example...sativa leaves are darker than indica leaves???

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Not sure how accurate tho lol seeing how the info is coming from random and without the credentials to provide that it is correct tho

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Well-Known Member
Well sativa leaves are lighter in color and also take less nutrients, easily clawing. Many are mag hungry. Sensitive to overwatering, likes warmer temps, some like higher humidity. Produce less plant waxes, Will get up to 14 fingers on each leaf and can flower up to around 26 weeks if pure landrace. The odor is brighter, limes, citrus, sweet, floral, powdered fruity candy, astringent dusty cheese funk, sour chemmy and even cat piss. They yield more give fluffier bud, grow tall and quickly, generally do not take well to topping as far as yield. Can be very mold resistant especially the citrus cheese and fruity..they are harder to grow, but give a better high in most people ls opinion
Okay so then the color is supposed to look lime green im assing becuz i was worried it might need some food

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Well-Known Member
No it looks great, as far as that one leaf goes. Id personally lower lights some

Micro nutes and some k seems to be a little lacking in many grows. Id up k if you can. Whats temp and humidity
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Outdoor so cant but was thinking i should cut or tie some leafs to get more light on the bottom but kinda sketchy on that...

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I use some miracle grow nutrients not sure what kind becuz a friend mixes it .....but just bought some marine cuisine.....

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