Sativa Journey


I'm a first time poster and grower of this scale. I plan to get a high sativa strain and I'd like your input in the matter. I've decided that Super Silver Haze and Ak-47 would do the trick but I'm not sure. Here are my requirements and priorities:

-Cost efficiency ($100-150)
-High sativa (psychedelic levels)
-Grow duration (6-12 weeks) < preferably but not required

Everything else is pretty much a go. I plan to go semi organic by using florescent lights during the night and move them out during the day. I'm not sure if this will traumatize the plants so any input will help. Should I just keep them in one location or should I let them get fresh air during the day? Nothing beats the sun, right?

I'm also looking into getting nutrients as well. High Nitrogen (N) levels until flowering, then high Phosphorus(P) and Potassium (K) during budding. I'll be using soil from the orchard field behind my house. It's an orange tree field and the soil is turned regularly by the farmer so I think it's fertile enough. I've also read some articles that state music vibrations have incredible outcomes on growing plants. Classical music being the best. Has anyone ever tried this? If not then maybe I'll be the first to make a log and post weekly pics!

Thanks for reading and lets get this journey on the way!


Well-Known Member
The short finishing time you're looking for may be a bit optimistic. In my limited sativa experience, they tend to go on forever. Flowering times alone almost always exceed 10 weeks and go up to 16 or more. I am growing some Fast Nevilles at the moment and I think they are going to finish quicker than some of my previous attempts. As for the music, I am not sure about that, but I think that plants enjoy interaction with humans and being touched and cared for, but that's just my opinion based on my own experience. They might enjoy the vibrations of the music. Try it out!


UPDATE 7-3-12

I decided to go with Buddha for a pure sativa thai strain and with Super Silver Haze just for kicks. I put the order on 6-22-12 from and seeing as that was a Friday I had to wait until the following Monday for a confirmation. I've received the seeds today 7-3-12 for a total of 9 days, excluding the confirmation period. I also received 3 free Northern Lights and I've decided to throw them into my batch.

I've started the germination process with foam plates stacked on top of each other with wet paper in between, each layer containing different seeds. 2 Buddha's, 2 SSH, and all 3 NL's. I've placed the layered plates into my drawer so they can have minimal light and the warmth they need to sprout. Any and all advice from here on is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
any reason for moveing them in and out ?

beside keeping the small seedling safe ..

it is how ever a nice way to start seedlings .. indoor .. under flourescent ..

tho I normal did it early may .. when its still to cold out side most of the time ..
so I have nice ½ foot plants ready for june and summer .. that way I had 4 months to grow in .. usealy june/july they Vegged and aug/sep they flower ..

a nice way to give em a head start .. so when you plant em out they are strong and can survive some bad wether aso.

I surpose .. if you only have a few plants and want to keep em safe ...then moveing em in at night .. in the start would be ok ..
and why not give em a few hrs more light in Veg .. wile you have them inside .. will only make em grow a bit more Im sure ..

about Classical music ... sure .. as long as you enjoy it and belive in it .. tho I would use my time on researching soil/soil mixes and what weed needs to grow helthy with out isues ..

I do hope you plan on getting them in the ground ? I prommise you they will grow to double the size as if you keep em in pots .. atlest try with one and compair ..


I really don't want to run my bill up on just lighting hence the reason why I'd like to move them in and out. I'll probably just go ahead and plant them outside after a few weeks even though there's a lot of air traffic in my area. I'll just plant them far apart from each other so they're not really noticeable.


Update 7-4-12

1 of the NL's sprouted over night. It seems to have been the only seed out of the 7 to do so. 1 or 2 lost their husk so I thought I'd go ahead and pot them.


If you would put your seeds paper towels and all in a zip lock bag they will pop sooner.
I went ahead and did this with 3 more Buddha seeds. It'll be a side grow for me I guess.


UPDATE 7-8-2012

It's the last day of the first week for these babies and I just thought I would share. I'd also like any feedback whether or not they're growing accordingly or if I need to adjust certain aspects of my growing technique. :)


5 of the original 7 have sprouted and 3 of them are around 2-3 inches in length. Is this normal or are they stretching?


Active Member
yeah reaching a lil how much direct sun they getting when outside i like to shoot for atleast 7 but more the better


7 what? I'm not sure I follow. I set them under a tree so the sunlight cascades through the trees' branches. I'm not entirely sure how to rate that and seeing as I live in a hot area, direct sunlight would be too hot for them, I think. It's supposed to break 100 today. :(


Active Member
yeah not direct sun just yet but soon it will be fine with temps that high my temps have been about the same here for a week no stop in growth like i heard it would mine are pushing 61/2 ft tall 6 ft wide can wait to see it start budding up


yeah not direct sun just yet but soon it will be fine with temps that high my temps have been about the same here for a week no stop in growth like i heard it would mine are pushing 61/2 ft tall 6 ft wide can wait to see it start budding up
Oh wow that's tall and wide man. How long have they been growing and when should I put mine in contact with direct sunlight? Maybe another week or two?


UPATE 7-16-12 "WEEK TWO"

Around five of the seedlings seem to have sprouted two more small leaves, giving them a total of six leaves. The other three are at lower stages. I was wondering if this is normal giving the time frame and the type of strain. I've seen some pictures of other plants around their age and theirs' seem to be larger. I would post pictures but I can't upload any at the moment. Some info on the stuff I'm using:
-x4 23 Watt CFL's
-Sta-Green All Purpose Potting Mix [Soil]
-Jiffy pots

I purchased stronger bulbs and I'll be replacing them right away. Not sure if I should re-pot them into bigger pots yet. Maybe some of you can give me some advice. :)


Second week of flowering phase. Left them in their veg stage far longer then expected due to their size. This is one of my Budda strains and it seems to be growing "bulbs". Not sure if these are indicative of a male plant, can anyone confirm? If so, should I just trash it (even though it'll hurt me) in order to make infertile mothers to clone?
