Sativa Landrace from Kerala


:leaf: Started out with the landrace that I got here in Kerala, India and I have to say - she is lookin' good! (Yep, my first and a female) :leaf: The temperature is always hot and humid so it helps them to grow really fast! :shock: Its already in flowering stage as I could see few hair strands :-o Anyway, I am kinda new to growing and obviously this forum though I was trolling here for info and such whenever needed! So, do help and guide! =D

I have no idea what the strain type is for all of 'em. Used coco-peat, worm cast, potting soil and some organic nutrients (bone meal, veggie waste etc.) :-P

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Here is the one which is growing a li'l deformed (probably because I cut the top branches just a week back) :sad:

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Still, it did grow and is growing!

This is the new baby that just started growing a couple of weeks back - which has been re-pot for outdoors!



Well-Known Member
Beeeautiful! Landrace is the way to go. I haven't tried it yet, but all the reviews are insane. I'm growin' some colombian gold; you should check it out! I'm going to go hydro and it'll be cool to see how these guys compare. I'm really curious about soil. What lighting/nutes are you using?


Yeah, landrace are amazing experience! I initially wanted to buy some seeds from some online place but then one of my friend got some buds which had beautiful seeds! It made me try that out first before making any purchase being a newbie and all. Mostly, it is from Idukki (the place of famous Kerala Gold) and I wish I knew if it was the one! :D Landrace are really great to grow but it requires a lot of patience and I think its because they are Sativas! I am into pre-flowering (after 3-5 months maybe - forgot to keep a record as I wasn't really expecting any to grow) and I have no idea how many months it will take to finally flower into awesome buds! :'(

I am using bone meal/veggie waste and sun light is all ;)

Colombian Gold sounds good and looks good too! I will definitely try it after these babies are harvested! :D


If anyone has actually grown Indian Sativa, do you know how much time it will take for flowering? I would appreciate any info! ;D


New Member
If anyone has actually grown Indian Sativa, do you know how much time it will take for flowering? I would appreciate any info! ;D
Just started flowering kerala x skunk #1.. Supposedly it will take 7 weeks.. 1 down, six to go..